@the_peanut_coop 's Road Trip, Crazy for Crossbeaks! (Featuring @JustBabyMargo)

So here we are again... late.
I had many, many ideas for this road trip, and all of them were *OCTOBER* themed. Then @Bakbuk gave me a wonderful idea and I thought- How many BYCer's have crossbeaks? So today and yesterday and tomorrow, we will be, was, and are going on a road-trip to visit the crossbeaks of the world. If you have a crossbeak in your care, or did, please share details and pictures. We will visit these crossbeaks along the way. OG's, Please explain to the newbies if they ask. Love y'all.
Everyone is welcome but please no hate or politics!
All BYC rules apply.
Without further ado... tags!
@RoosterWhisperer @Lacy Duckwing @ButtonHoarder @H-B-O @PippinTheChicken @EmmaRainboe @JadeFarms @cnielsen @PolishAllTheWay @6BeachChicks @Anonymous Chicken @arwoon @Anne02 @Cecisflock @ChickensForEggs2500 @ChickenWhisperer101 @Chookchicken @chrissynemetz @cinnamoncockatiel @cluckmecoop7 @Dottie the Chicken @DucksAreBest @Emelyn @FeatherTay @JustAChickenLoverOverHere @KingB @Lemon-Drop @Little Baby Bean @FluffyLambs @Silkie Princess @CrazyCochin @JustBabyMargo @Bakbuk @ThinMintTheChicken
Hey Peanut! Thanks for the mention! ;) :frow
Driving Road Trip GIF by The Wiggles
My flock will be coming, but Thor requests her own sofa... No... A whole room for her.
View attachment 2987563

Also, the duckies (d'uccles) request some high perches, and I'll need some broody boxes for Pippin and Raven.

Note: no one hand feed Ginger!
Are you bringing Peanut? I'm hoping to hook him up with Peanut 😏

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