Their eating well,,spoiled maybe??


9 Years
May 23, 2010
Started out this morning with bananas,cuckes and cheerios. Mid day,,,got some raisins and yogart. Then a little later ,,,corn and blueberrys,,, and soon ,,,apples. (leftovers from making a apple pie). All in one day.

This is on top of their regular feed.
I bet you are getting the stink eye a lot! In my short experience they will eat what you give them and then act as if you are starving them to DEATH just minutes later. (believe me my girls do NOT lack for food)
Fun, isn't it?
My girls are horribly spoiled, they eat Organic feed, which I top off every day, and every time I go out to see them- I always bring at least a handful of food. Today, they got a whole watermelon.

I have days when I go out to the coop over and over to give them scraps! Just depends on how much I'm cooking!
Thank goodness I'm not the only one that has "treat addicted" chickens!! Whenever I go out to visit them they EXPECT a treat, only problem is they are carb addicts like me!! Seriously I think I am the only person who has chickens that don't like fruit...

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