TheLukeMeister's Chat Thread!!!

well I am home schooled so we go to a co-op every Tuesday came home with different homework than I did last year it is a little harder but I think it will be good. Well I have to go to bed now so I can get up and do homework well goodnight everyone talk to yall tomorrow
This morning I got my toothbrush out, and I got it wet so I could brush my teeth. But then something fell off of it. Then it started to move. Turns out it was a spider. He started to fall down the drain, but I saved him and put him on a piece of toilet paper and carried him away from the sink. After school, I found him on the wall of the bathroom. I just barely checked on him again, and he was on the ceiling. I decided to name him Peter. Here is a picture of him on the ceiling. :)
This morning I got my toothbrush out, and I got it wet so I could brush my teeth. But then something fell off of it. Then it started to move. Turns out it was a spider. He started to fall down the drain, but I saved him and put him on a piece of toilet paper and carried him away from the sink. After school, I found him on the wall of the bathroom. I just barely checked on him again, and he was on the ceiling. I decided to name him Peter. Here is a picture of him on the ceiling. :)

That is funny! :) I've done the same thing before.
This morning I got my toothbrush out, and I got it wet so I could brush my teeth. But then something fell off of it. Then it started to move. Turns out it was a spider. He started to fall down the drain, but I saved him and put him on a piece of toilet paper and carried him away from the sink. After school, I found him on the wall of the bathroom. I just barely checked on him again, and he was on the ceiling. I decided to name him Peter. Here is a picture of him on the ceiling.

Like a week ago, a bunch of spider eggs hatched in my room, and now there are baby spiders everywhere! I see them crawling on my bed and I'm afraid I might step on one or something.

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