Themed "Block of the Month" Sign-Up for June

OH my and you have my address. I better lock it in my car.

Acre ! Acre ! Acre !

You had better behave yourself girlie !

No stealing blocks my dearie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now you behave yourself !
If that's possible ??????????

Yes, Ma' be continued
Acre behave???? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gin, I love that block, the fabrics are sooo pretty and look so much like fall, very nice!!!

Yes, let me know about the paper piecing CW, I have seen it everywhere so I guess that is the trick to the little piece sewing, I'm sort of hooked on the Dresden circle right now though and dont need to piece that but I am thinking of trying that paper piecing on something later
It is a well known fact that family will get you in more trouble than strangers!
And here I thought my sisters were all sweet, innocent ladies, who wouldn't hurt a fly, and be there to help out other people.

I am totally shocked
to find out that they have a darker, evil side.
I think they must have been hanging around a flock of silkies, those evil little things have a way of changing people into the opposites of what they really are.

I think we just might have to do some sort of intervention!
I bought some paper piecing paper today so I guess I will try it ! Ill let you know how it goes Scrambled !

I found a way around paper piecing...I don't like it. Templates almost as much.
I make a 12 inch square from freezer paper. I draw out the pattern I want to make.
Usually there are four or more pieces the same size. Then I cut out one paper piece and iron it onto a piece of white fabric. I cut this out allowing for all 1/4 seam lines.
Next I measure and cut the strip to accomodate that piece then cut multiple pieces. I use my roller cutter and straight edges as much as possible.

Then I refer to my freezer paper pattern for placement and measurement during construction. I look for ways to construct from the center out putting together a large square or triangle .

I did this for Beacon's light...IMHO...made it so much easier.
Kathryn, Could you elaborate a little bit on the pattern? By white cloth, do you mean you use the white cloth as a template for your first piece or do you just use whatever is the first color in the block that you are going to piece?

Be gentle, I'm new to this.
CW.....I know that it's still early in the month, but I also realize that it will be gone before we know it. Have you had a chance to look and see if you can find a quilt block pattern for July? This way we can all see if we can possibly construct it.

Remember it needs to be in a star type shape. It can have squares, points, rectangles, etc. as long as it is a star. let me know or post a link in the thread. Thanks.

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