These two are supposed to beAmeraucanas but I'm wondering if they really are.


5 Years
Mar 28, 2014
I got these two at Orschleans and they are supposed to be Ameraucanas. There were lots of people picking out chicks and lots of childrens picking them up and playing with them, so they may have been put into the wrong bin. What do you all think?

They could be EE.or ameraucauna. I have a lavender ee hen that looked like that. Do they have pea combs?
I suppose you could say Ameraucanas are Easter Eggers, but Easter Eggers are not Ameraucanas. Easter Egger is a generic term for a bird that carries the blue egg gene. Ameraucanas are a breed recognized by the APA--and to be an Ameraucana they must fit the Standard (description of bird, not size) and breed true. The chances that an Easter Egger purchased at a feed store fits the standard and breeds true is unlikely.

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