They are hatching!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 20, 2013
I'm a noob as they say and 22 days ago I bought twelve cochin eggs and put them in an incubator. As it's been 22 days I was despondent that there was no action, but, they're here! Two anyway, chirping away in a way that makes me want to respond? From what I have read I will leave them alone until all that will hatch, hatch. The little chirp is a bit pleading though!

I'm thrilled, I have a gambling problem and this is the first morning I haven't wondered what I was going to bet on. What a great feeling.

I think the magpies can hear them, there was one looking through the window. Sinister caroling monster!

I've got a 60watt bulb for the brooder, it's just clear, I've read lots of different opinions on if it should be red or it doesn't really matter?

Thanks . .
a red light is for those that like to pick on the others, as long as its 90 degrees it doesnt really matter what color it is right will go down in temp 5 degrees a week untill its warm out or fully feathered ending up at a comfortable temp for them.they need to be able to get closer or farther away as they want to the light. 22 days is not abnormal for the eggs, they still have time to hatch for a couple more days but, you will need to move them to the brooder after about 8 hrs. so they dont dehydrate. you will have more, i bet ya!
Hello :frow and Welcome to BYC! Congratulations on your hatch, cochin chicks are adorable. I usually take hatched chicks out of the incubator once a day or so, some people do go two or three days until most everybody who is going to has hatched. X2 that red light seems to keep them calmer in general and helps prevent them picking on each other if that does ever become a problem, they also make ceramic heat bulbs that don't emit light.
Thanks for the advice and the welcome, I can see how involved a person can get, the other eggs aren't doing much but I can see a few peep or pip marks on the shells so they must be doing something, but it has been 24hours since the first two hatched, talk about fretting! I know I must leave them, but you worry don't you! The first two are up and about and pecking away at everything, each other mostly. Then falling asleep as they stand, I think they see my hand is their mum, whenever I put it in the brood box they cheep! cheep! and run at it.


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