They killed my babies... and got away with it. :(

I agree this sounds like theft plain and simple, I bet the father and the son knew somehow that the chicks were from show quality. You have been ripped off, file a police report.

Sorry, but this is where I am placing my bet, too, unless these are people who like Balut. But then, they would have boiled them first so I am thinking not. I am thinking someone has your pretty babies and I would have the police checking to see. Seems to me like this would justify a search warrant.
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It's not that disturbing and nothing has to be wrong with someone to open and eat fully formed chicks. They do it in other countries all the time. It may be disturbing to you but it's normal else where. I fail to see how it's that much different than butchering and eating a chicken which most on here do eat chicken. Now taking the eggs is wrong but someone doesn't have to be mentally disturbed to do that. Unfortunately theft like that is common too.
It could entirely have been a mistake to take fully formed chicks when they were thinking they were just taking some extra eggs. If you aren't collecting them someone (not a very intelligent person if there were hatched chicks there too) could assume you didn't want the eggs instead of that your chicken was broody and hatching them.
But they don't crack an egg, flop a fully formed chick on to a skillet and cook it...or even just eat the live raw baby. They are eaten as Balut, which I mentioned in my post. It isn't that common in the US....certainly not in the "good old boy" crowd which this kid sounds like. I DOUBT he is into eating hatchling birdies.
I agree this sounds like theft plain and simple, I bet the father and the son knew somehow that the chicks were from show quality. You have been ripped off, file a police report.

Sorry, but this is where I am placing my bet, too, unless these are people who like Balut. But then, they would have boiled them first so I am thinking not. I am thinking someone has your pretty babies and I would have the police checking to see. Seems to me like this would justify a search warrant.

Theft of chickens is becoming more and more common especially show quality silkies. I don't care how slow he was if he was able to feed them and in the AG program he knew they were about to hatch and stealing eggs is easier than chicks. I think the slow is just a act, and your chicks are in their brooder until they find a buyer. If they did not already have one.
Sorry, but this is where I am placing my bet, too, unless these are people who like Balut. But then, they would have boiled them first so I am thinking not. I am thinking someone has your pretty babies and I would have the police checking to see. Seems to me like this would justify a search warrant.

Theft of chickens is becoming more and more common especially show quality silkies. I don't care how slow he was if he was able to feed them and in the AG program he knew they were about to hatch and stealing eggs is easier than chicks. I think the slow is just a act, and your chicks are in their brooder until they find a buyer. If they did not already have one.

Were a city a program-- most of the kids didn't even know what fairs were for when they joined. I highly doubt he knew that my chickens were show chickens or that they could find anyone to buy (living in the city and not knowing anyone)

I mean.. I guess there is reason to be suspicious considering my friends 2 chickens that did hatch 'dissapeared' (they said rats must of killed them) but I'd rather not get my hopes up or make a big deal out of it.
Sounds to me like the Ag teacher is doing a pathetic job of teaching - if the student brought in to feed on weekends can't even be trusted with the job or the knowledge of how to care for the animals . . . I think the teacher is responsible for your loss. Any time live animals are involved in an educational setting the instructor should be personally responsible for their safety and well-being. If he can't teach kids the difference between eating eggs and setting eggs he has no business teaching. My two cents.
Hold on-are you telling me the 2 HATCHED chicks that were with the Mama hen are gone too?
If so, why are the cops NOT called yet!?
T-H-E-F-T !!!!!!
You, my friend, have been burgled.
I totally agree with this! Programs like these are valuable and rewarding when done correctly, but this is insane! Who would trust their livestock to this kind of treatment? Disappearing animals, stolen eggs, what next? I'd withdraw from the program as soon as you can!

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