They killed my babies... and got away with it. :(


ew. ew. ew.

I wonder if the feller knew that they were about to hatch and took them home hoping to crack open the eggs and have chicks?
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Now that I realize that the original poster was a kid and part of the ag program... that makes things a little different. I would just talk to the teacher and let them know how you feel. Sorry this happened to you. I bet you get some great show chickens out of your next hatch.

Obviously, no one should steal. But if they were allowed to take eggs from the communal pile, the kid may not have understood. Especially if he is a little slow. Perhaps this could be a learning experience for him as he may not have done it intentionally.

It does hurt the heart when this kind of things happens, but if we deal with the world with compassion, I think it will be a better place.
they had to have been alive when he cracked them sick is that...why why why why would someone do that...then again i am a teenager myself and i hear and see things at school that would suprise anyone...but eating a fully formed chick is just sick...
Were the eggs candled? There may not have been chicks in them. Of course, I'd expect him to be absent a few days if he just ate rotten eggs.
In thialand it's common for that! forget the dish name but it's baby embryo's. GROSS!!!!

Was he slow? kinda disturbing that he ate them but on the other hand, was he starving or something????I dont'k know, had to ask.

If that were my son i would feel horrible he did that and offer to replace them but people these days are not what they used to be.

I am surprised being in AG he didn't know that?? Idon't know about charges but boy this sucks!! It's hard to hold the parents responsible in court but as a good human being they should offer something.

And he should not be allowed there anymore!
I am sorry for you loss.

If you want to continue to have chickens, my suggestion would be to move them. If you leave them where they are, this sort of thing will continue to happen.
Hun, you need to do something about this.

If I were you I *might* have sat back and done nothing about the eggs, but rats don't eat chicks usually so when those two hatched chicks went missing I would have called the police.

NOW, if I were you I would be worried that the adults are suddenly going to get "eaten by rats"....

I would move them off of that farm immeadiately!
Perhaps this could be a learning experience for him as he may not have done it intentionally.

It's not a learning experience if he recieves no consequences....from what's been posted it seems as though he and his father are treating it as a joke......even if it was somehow an honest mistake. Its not right.....even if you don't or can't go to the police, I would at least go to the principal or something and try to get the kid to pay for the chicks or get removed from the ag program. Theft is not a joke...even if he looks at it as "just eggs" it will be "just cigarettes"...or "just a few bucks"...and so on and so forth. Its not a joke, its theft. Even if there was no posted rule...unless you signed an agreement that people could take your eggs from your chicken...they are YOUR property and it is theft for them to be removed without don't have to sign something to say that your property is your property...​
I thought I must have missed the post where the op stated that they where a STUDENT in this program, so I went back and re-read....The above statement, which is from the original post, is what lead me to believe this person was an adult.

So, knowing the OP is a minor, my question is: OP, what are YOUR parents doing to help you resolve this problem?
Me, personally, I don't think making a new rule stating that you can't take eggs that don't belong to you, (which shouldn't even NEED to be a rule, that should go without needing to be said) is enough.
I understand that the kid who took the eggs might be handicapped some how, but EVERYONE needs to learn how to function in society, even those who have 'issues'.
If this person 'gets away with it' like the thread title says, he WILL do it, or something like it again.

OP, I sure hope you can give your broody a nice safe place to hatch more babies, poor hen, I'm sure you will BOTH feel better with new chickies!

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