They killed my babies... and got away with it. :(

So here is the real question. What do YOU want to do about it??

Your topic has sure sparked a lot of interest. And I don't blame you for being horrified, hurt, confused and very, very angry.
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i think i've read through all of this thread. And it seems to have been suggested that perhaps the eggs were not actually eaten. Having experience with teenagers and teenage boys, i think the likelihood of this young man actually eating them is small. i can probably say with certainty that he did not eat them. Now, perhaps he broke one open and saw a live chick and then tossed them. Or maybe he took them and put them in an incubator and hatched them, or gave them to a friend to hatch them.

Something doesn't quite smell right about this whole thing. Were it me, i would want to do some undercover investigating. Ask around. Maybe mention to a friend of this young man that you know what really happened. Give a knowing glare, and wait to see if they spill the beans. i think a serious I-Spy is in order, especially since those other eggs went missing.

No matter what actually happened, the bottom line is your eggs were taken. You should be compensated, by that young man. Perhaps that will teach him to stop playing hurtful pranks. But please consider that his comment that he ate them is most likely not true. Some boys just think it's funny to be gross and mean.
Very well said - I was thinking the same thing. An almost fully formed chick is not going to look appetizing to ANYONE. If he really didn't realize you were trying to hatch out some chicks and was collecting 'payment' for doing chores, he would have been quite surprised when he opened up the eggs, but I don't think he would have eaten them.

I am sorry this happened to you. It's very sad when you've been waiting in anticipation for new chicks and at the last moment, you lose them - especially due to this type of incident.
I think a whole lot of people would (pretty reasonably) figure that they'd had the eggs away from the momma hen too long and they wouldn't be viable anymore; also it may not have been POSSIBLE for him to take them right back to the farm (car availability, whether farm was open, that sort of thing).

Similarly, I don't think it's stupid to not call and ask why there was a chick inside the eggs -- most people *do* know that eggs are where chicks come from

It's useful to draw a distinction between "I don't like this person or what happened" versus "this person is really really stupid". And even if they ARE (on the evidence of other behavior) what you'd call 'stupid', it is still worth trying to understand the possible reasons for what they did.

You still don't have to like it of course but it would make the world get along a whole lot more smoothly if more people got into that habit

Best of luck for next time,

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