they run away every time....grrrr

wow a wild squirrel???? my grandpa did that once when he lived in montgomery MO. i was like 5 then and i would always want to feed it but my dad said that it was wild and it might unexpectedly turn and bite me. but i did feed it once. it was so cute
Thank you OP for asking this question!! My month old Rouens are terrified of me and I can't stand to pick them up and terrify them more. It sounds like the more they are exposed to handling, the better. Good! I'll help them push through the fear! My goslings were never as terrified as these little guys are, so it put me off, I felt sorry for their fear. I count on being able to "catch" my birds, my property is small and I'm not as fast as I used to be.

I will buy some peas, yes, and handle them for their own sake
The meal worms sound like a great thing but those peas..... mine come running from across the yard for them. I don't pick my ducks up really but they'll eat from my hand now & they were *petrified* originally...
I'll try peas too.. it was so disappointing, after I helped them hatch, raised them so lovingly in the house, gave them baths in the tub every day, cuddled them a lot... once they moved to the outside coops, they acted freaked out whenever I went near them, running away as fast as they could.. still do but getting better. They love fresh dandelions and spinach too. I have 17 pekins, oldest batch nearly 4 months. Thanks for the tip about peas and corn..
I've noticed that a lot of critters get used to something in one enviroment but when moved to a new one act as if it is a totally different ball game. Be patient, do all the treat stuff and they'll come around. Just remember that no matter how long it takes, it won't take nearly as long as it would have if you didn't fool with them at all before the move.
Great idea! I've been trying to find the perfect GOTCHA treat for my ducks. I'll try the peas. I've been using dried mealworms, but they are so expensive. And slugs are hard to find. Peas? Yea please.
My ducks love lettuce. They almost jump at me when I come with a bucket full of lettuce and my runner duck even stands between my feet to be as close to the source of the treats as possible.

What also helps to get the ducks used to you is just to be present - I just stand around in the pen like a pillar and do nothing but watch - this always helps to get the birds used to me because that way I become a common sight to them and sooner or later they don't even seem to notice me anymore and come very close.
I just dropped in and I'm so glad I did! A month ago I was told the pea trick and the clicker. I too, am working on making lovers out of these strangers! ;p They to were great till there new home. So I started sitting w/ them, reading a book or something and handing out peas and making clicking noise w/ my mouth . But just hanging out. They would come 3 ft to me. Then yesterday, after 7+/- min Sammie tapped my knee! So today I will take my time, a bit, to make peaing ;) last a lot longer and maybe he will tap my knee for more!
I loved the posting and to the shy others I suggest bring a seat a just hang out. For Mothers Day, the hubby got me a 10 inch tablet so now I'm watching shows or it's reading me books or music when the sun is to strong. Peas and books are a lot cheaper than meal worms or tablets but hopefully you can spare a little time. Sorry I ramble...
I just dropped in and I'm so glad I did! A month ago I was told the pea trick and the clicker. I too, am working on making lovers out of these strangers! ;p They to were great till there new home. So I started sitting w/ them, reading a book or something and handing out peas and making clicking noise w/ my mouth . But just hanging out. They would come 3 ft to me. Then yesterday, after 7+/- min Sammie tapped my knee! So today I will take my time, a bit, to make peaing ;) last a lot longer and maybe he will tap my knee for more!
I loved the posting and to the shy others I suggest bring a seat a just hang out. For Mothers Day, the hubby got me a 10 inch tablet so now I'm watching shows or it's reading me books or music when the sun is to strong. Peas and books are a lot cheaper than meal worms or tablets but hopefully you can spare a little time. Sorry I ramble...
I do this too. I let my ducks out when it is warm enough to let them forage and swim in the creek. So, I take my kindle with me and read. I handle my ducks but they will still run when they see my hands coming for them and I have to have either someone else round up behind them or corner them to pick them up. They come up and nibble on my feet all the time though and yesterday they were nibbling all over the back of my shirt. Still, when I go to pick them up they will go just out of my reach. So, I'm going to try working with them more.

My 2 are only 3 weeks, but the drake is getting territorial already. He pecked a chick on the head yesterday, lol. Not real hard thank goodness. But then he started looking at my dogs. One is 12 pounds the other 20 pounds. I'm thinking he is going to start chasing them soon. I don't want that as both of them are really easy going dogs and they don't bother the chicks or ducks and they walk around them all the time. So, I can see in the near future of having to do something about the drake being so territorial with the dogs. I was hoping with them growing up together that wouldn't happen.

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