They won't eat their food

My birds didn't like pellets, also. But I had quite a bit of it. So I started mixing it in with the crumble adding more every couple days til it was 100%.

They now eat it.
I added water to their pellet and Henhouse Reserve feed mix, the pellets became mash and they actually ate most of it, so I just wish I had done that before ordering different brands of crumble feed to try out. If anything, I will mix the Henhouse feed with their crumble feed and give it to them like that.
I have not fed them any grubs today, only the feed mixed with water. They seem to have eaten half of it already, hopefully they continue to do that.
That's great news... I've heard others say that their birds will go thru that Henhouse Reserve and pick out all the goodies and leave the rest. Where your all-flock and layer feed is complete.

This is hearsay tho... I'm just spreading info.
That's great news... I've heard others say that their birds will go thru that Henhouse Reserve and pick out all the goodies and leave the rest. Where your all-flock and layer feed is complete.

This is hearsay tho... I'm just spreading info.
They would eat a few grains and leave the pellets because they are too hard and that's the part that has all the nutritional benefits, SMH. I am just glad they ate it wet. They started to lay less eggs, in the last 7 days, they went from 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, and 3 today. Hopefully now that they are eating their feed, they will start to lay more eggs. It doesn't help that 3 went broody and only 5 were laying eggs.
They would eat a few grains and leave the pellets because they are too hard and that's the part that has all the nutritional benefits, SMH. I am just glad they ate it wet. They started to lay less eggs, in the last 7 days, they went from 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, and 3 today. Hopefully now that they are eating their feed, they will start to lay more eggs. It doesn't help that 3 went broody and only 5 were laying eggs.
That sounds like typical laying schedule for 5 layers (4-5 eggs/week per layer) at peak.

I've got 2 broodys also right now. My first with 2 at the same time. One went last year and the other the year before, but this year they decided to go broody at the same time. 🙂
My hens will not eat their food. We have tried pellets, scratch and now Henhouse Reserve. They only want greens, fruits and grubs. I have noticed that they will eat the crumble feed for the baby chicks. What can I do to make them eat their food? I do not want them going hungry or becoming nutrient deficient. Already I was noticing that their egg production was going low and I started to supplement with BSF larvae to increase protein and calcium but it seems that is all they want. Can I feed them the starter crumble? I have several fruit bearing trees right now that once the fruit ripens it falls and they eat that. It got to the point where it seemed like all they were eating were Pakistan mulberries. I now collect those to compost as soon as I see them because too much fruit cannot be good for them.
Try fermenting... soak the grains (feed can go in later) for a few days with a screen over them. I use three separate pots with splatter screens (meant for stopping grease splatters on the stove). I start a pot one day, the next day I start a new pot, third day I start another one. Fourth day I feed the first one to the girls and start another pot. Just keep rotating. You can add your feed to this when you feed them. It may take a couple of days for them to get used to it, but when they do, they will gobble it down. It is healthier for them too!
Try fermenting... soak the grains (feed can go in later) for a few days with a screen over them. I use three separate pots with splatter screens (meant for stopping grease splatters on the stove). I start a pot one day, the next day I start a new pot, third day I start another one. Fourth day I feed the first one to the girls and start another pot. Just keep rotating. You can add your feed to this when you feed them. It may take a couple of days for them to get used to it, but when they do, they will gobble it down. It is healthier for them too!
Thank you! We took away the free access to fruits and they seem to be eating their feed just fine now. They do prefer sprouted grains over dry, so I will try fermenting their food and see if they like it.
My hens will not eat their food. We have tried pellets, scratch and now Henhouse Reserve. They only want greens, fruits and grubs. I have noticed that they will eat the crumble feed for the baby chicks. What can I do to make them eat their food? I do not want them going hungry or becoming nutrient deficient. Already I was noticing that their egg production was going low and I started to supplement with BSF larvae to increase protein and calcium but it seems that is all they want. Can I feed them the starter crumble? I have several fruit bearing trees right now that once the fruit ripens it falls and they eat that. It got to the point where it seemed like all they were eating were Pakistan mulberries. I now collect those to compost as soon as I see them because too much fruit cannot be good for them.
I feed ALL my chickens (chicks, hens, and roosters) Chick Starter. I noticed the girls laying during winter will keep better body condition. I do add BSF dried larvae during winter for a little extra warmth and body supplement.
You have to consider, if you were fed nothing but sweets and then given a bland piece of bread, which would you prefer? If you want them to eat what you offer, then offer nothing else! They won't starve before they give in and eat it.
If they like chick starter, then feed that to them all. They won't need much extra.

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