Theyre All Starting to LAY!


5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
Hi all. I have 14 chickens 12 hens and 2 Roos. As of yesterday 5 have started laying and it seems like three started in one day. I am just really excited about this. Now I just have to figure out what im gonna do with all of these eggs. I have 4 buff orpington's, 4 Rirs, 2 ameracaunas, 2 Gold Stars, and one White Leghorn. Next spring I think im going to let a couple go broody. I will probably build an isolation pen so that I can get pure breed babies. I have also thought about buying a couple more different breeds and putting them underneath a broody. Don't now just sharing my thoughts lol.
Congratulations on those first eggs! :ya How Eggciting! Fresh eggs make great gifts!

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