thin egg shells


Jun 7, 2018
SF Bay Area
I have 6 chicken, 4 are in their third year laying and for 2 it's their first year. This year I noticed that their shells are really thin. I have not changed their food since I got them 4 years ago. They are getting a high quality layer pellet (Bar ALE's 16% Non-GMO Layer feed is made exclusively with Non-GMO ingredients, providing complete nutrition for your flock. ) plus free available at all times oyster shells mixed with crushed egg shells. Previous years I always had very thick shells and never breakage due to thin shells. Now I get very thin shelled eggs and find them sometimes broken or cracked. Is there anything else I can do?
Is it all the eggs, or certain ones? Are you seeing them eat the oyster/eggshell on the side (or noticing obvious decrease in level of the bowl)?
Thank you for your reply. I see an obvious decrease in the bowls and whenever I refill they are eager to get them - they like the egg shells best so there is alway competition who get them first. I’d say my whole flock has thin shells with 3 of them being slighter thinner than the other 3.
Hmm... do you feed any treats? If so, what kind and how much? It's unlikely to be the cause but really can't think of anything that would cause an entire flock to have thin shell issues at the same time.
This isn’t something I’ve ever had a problem with, however, I notice that my hens eat more oyster shell whenever I mix it in with their feed. They’re a little dumb sometimes so when it’s right there in their feed, they notice more easily and eat more of it. Have you observed them eating oyster shell?

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