Thin Fragile Duck Eggs


14 Years
Aug 4, 2009
Hi Everyone,

My ducks have started laying very thin and fragile eggs. I feed them Mazuri Waterfowl Breeder food and always have oyster shells out for them. They free range, so while they definitely eat the duck food, they also spend a lot of time rummaging about snorkling through the grass.

They are all just over a year old, 4 khaki Campbells and two Swedish Blue ducks. It's been very hot here lately with the west coast drought, and our drake has been over-mating some of them so we try to give them at least half the day separated from him. I can't think of anything else of relevance to report. Any guidance appreciated.

Possibly take a look at number 16, mottled eggshells.

How long has this been going on? Did they have strong shells before that? Was the change perhaps when it got a lot hotter? My ducks hate heat, so I'm wondering if it could be stress related. Another thing to think about is, do your ducks actually eat the oyster shells? Mine are very picky about the type of oyster shell.

Possibly take a look at number 16, mottled eggshells.

How long has this been going on? Did they have strong shells before that? Was the change perhaps when it got a lot hotter? My ducks hate heat, so I'm wondering if it could be stress related. Another thing to think about is, do your ducks actually eat the oyster shells? Mine are very picky about the type of oyster shell.
Thank you, that post you linked to is great. We have always had a duck who lays eggs that have this kind of dirty appearance, but were otherwise strong. This started in the last few weeks and has gotten progressively worse. We are in Oregon, where we experienced an unprecedented heat wave at the end of July with temperatures up to 112, and are having drought and ongoing abnormally hot and humid weather, frequently in the 90s. So I can well imagine that the heat is stressing them (I know it's stressing me!).

Also, indeed, they don't eat the oyster shells much - ironically my drake is the one I see eat the most oyster shells. What type of oyster shells do your girls like? It had not occurred to me that trying different oyster shells might help.
Thank you, that post you linked to is great. We have always had a duck who lays eggs that have this kind of dirty appearance, but were otherwise strong. This started in the last few weeks and has gotten progressively worse. We are in Oregon, where we experienced an unprecedented heat wave at the end of July with temperatures up to 112, and are having drought and ongoing abnormally hot and humid weather, frequently in the 90s. So I can well imagine that the heat is stressing them (I know it's stressing me!).

Also, indeed, they don't eat the oyster shells much - ironically my drake is the one I see eat the most oyster shells. What type of oyster shells do your girls like? It had not occurred to me that trying different oyster shells might help.
I'm just 45 minutes east of Seattle so I relate to the weather. My ducks and I are not enjoying it either.

My understanding is that there are two main kinds of oyster shells. White and grey. The white kind looks like tiny white pebbles and is the most common I believe. The grey kind looks like actually oyster shells shaved into little thin discs.

My picky little snobs reject the white kind and voraciously gobble up the grey kind. Some ducks seem to not care, but I've communicated with a few members who have had my same experience.

I buy this kind:
My 5 yr old Runner duck has laid 2 soft shell eggs back to back so she got a dose 1 ml of Calcium Gluconate this evening. They have oyster shell but sometimes they just need a little extra help.
I'm just 45 minutes east of Seattle so I relate to the weather. My ducks and I are not enjoying it either.

My understanding is that there are two main kinds of oyster shells. White and grey. The white kind looks like tiny white pebbles and is the most common I believe. The grey kind looks like actually oyster shells shaved into little thin discs.

My picky little snobs reject the white kind and voraciously gobble up the grey kind. Some ducks seem to not care, but I've communicated with a few members who have had my same experience.

I buy this kind:
okay, just ordered the grey kind of oyster shells. hope they love it!
My 5 yr old Runner duck has laid 2 soft shell eggs back to back so she got a dose 1 ml of Calcium Gluconate this evening. They have oyster shell but sometimes they just need a little extra help.
any particular form/brand of calcium gluconate you recommend?
okay, just ordered the grey kind of oyster shells. hope they love it!
It might take them a few weeks to recognize it as not poison. To help with that I put it in a bowl next to their food, and sprinkled a few mealworms on it daily. Pretty soon mine were taking big mouthfuls of the stuff after every few bites of pellets!

Let me know if they like it! 💖🦆
It might take them a few weeks to recognize it as not poison. To help with that I put it in a bowl next to their food, and sprinkled a few mealworms on it daily. Pretty soon mine were taking big mouthfuls of the stuff after every few bites of pellets!

Let me know if they like it! 💖🦆
oh good idea - my ducks are crazy for peas, so I'll put some with it :)

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