Things chickens dig up


6 Years
Sep 21, 2017
Upstate NY
So maybe it's just my wacky ancient farm but my chickens new run seems to have clean soil. Yet they dug me this.

What the heck is this thing! Oh it's a bone alright but what kind.
The egg for scale is a hefty large. Previous owners had no stock since the 1950s.

So anyone else? Your ground hogs,err chickens find you any weird things?
Wow! Huge bone!

Things my chickens have found in the bushes:

Sea Shells
Bones (mostly smaller)
Gallon milk jug that looked ancient
A Hair tie
A few Golf Balls
Plastic Airsoft BBs (I found several dozen in my coop and accused my brothers of shooting the chickens with airlift guns... until I noticed that Plastic airlift BBs are colorfully attractive and very undigestible... hence all the lost BBs end up in the coop eventually). :oops:
Maybe it is a hip socket bone or something like that from cattle?
My girls dug up a piece of glass from dirt that was hauled from a lake aeea near by. I never saw glass in it before, but was so mad when I found a piece in their run not knowing where it came from originally. Then, I remembered where the dirt came from.
Wow! Huge bone!

Things my chickens have found in the bushes:

Sea Shells
Bones (mostly smaller)
Gallon milk jug that looked ancient
A Hair tie
A few Golf Balls
Plastic Airsoft BBs (I found several dozen in my coop and accused my brothers of shooting the chickens with airlift guns... until I noticed that Plastic airlift BBs are colorfully attractive and very undigestible... hence all the lost BBs end up in the coop eventually). :oops:
Haha the BBs made me laugh! Legitimately acquired.
Maybe it is a hip socket bone or something like that from cattle?
My girls dug up a piece of glass from dirt that was hauled from a lake aeea near by. I never saw glass in it before, but was so mad when I found a piece in their run not knowing where it came from originally. Then, I remembered where the dirt came from.
I hate glass, have tons in a spot just 30ft feet where they found that bone, which was under the exterior barn wall.
My hens did not dig this up but one time they came running out of the bushes, the lead hen had a small brown thing in her mouth, I assumed it was a mouse but on further inspection it was a brown bat!

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