Things made from wood pallets!!! Amazing!

Too cool! Thanks for sharing!! Plus...they used the Popcorn Song!
This forum is what inspired me to pick up pallets to make myself a new coop. I think my family thinks Im nuts but they will see once I have a nice 8x6 coop that cost me less than a $100. I dont have a whole lot right now and wont get to start until next Spring but so far I havent bought anything and I have two 4x6 frames that were used as brooder pens - both are a good 2 foot off he ground and reach up to about a total of 7-8 foor tall. One still has the floor (hardware cloth) intact and the other needs about 4-5 4x4 to brace the hardware cloth for the floor of it. I plan to merge the two frames - pull some of the chicken wire (that was used for the sides) and enclose the sides with leftover plywood (pretty sure my dad has some that he isnt going to use) and the pallets that will be taken apart and used also. Then it will just need a new roof! I even have an entire rabbit hutch that is about a foot and a half wide by about 3 foot (or more) long and is up on 3 foot legs that Im going to modify into a nesting box. So with the pallets, frames, chicken wire, hardware cloth, and rabbit hutch I have spent a total of.... *drumroll* $0! Yeap everything I recieved was donated! The pallets were a gift and cost that person $2 each. But so far I havent spent a dime. And I think with supplies its a dang good start!
Am building my silkie coop out of pallets and a wood shipping crate.

The hardest part has been the disassembling if some of them.


This was a couple of weeks ago, have added 4 mil plastic sheeting as a vapor barrier, and the 3/4 plywood from the shipping crates as the siding. And in between the pallets & am stuffing it with hay as insulation.
The missing slats on the inside of the pallet, I am cutting strips of the 3/4 ply and filling in the spaces. Tomorrow I hope to add the roof and shingle it.

I was kind of wondering if this coop had been finished and what it looks like now.

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