Things You Wish You Would Have Known?

But how did you TEACH them to use the darn nipple waterers. We keep attempting and have yet to succeed!
are the waterers colored red/yellow, the chickens are attracted to those waterers.

i wish i had known that chickens would be sooo addicting.
i wish i had known that d'Uccles existed...
i wish that i had known the difference between ameraucanas, americanas, araucanas, easter eggers, oh my!
Wish we would've:
~Gotten a bigger coop; I want more chickens but don't have enough space
~Not have gotten straight run chicks
~Bought more Buff Orpingtons
~Had nest-box outdoor access
These are just a few, but I'm sure I have more. :)
Edit: Spelling mistake
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I've learned...

Chickens are NOT afraid of horses! This isn't normally a problem, but my week old colt has been enjoying a game he invented called 'chase the chicken'

2 or more roosters will scheme to chase and tag team a hen and have their way with her.

It's not as hard as you'd think to 'dispose of' a rooster you've watched take advantage of a hen in this way.

Disposing of problem roosters will lead to getting meat chickens. After all, if you can kill and process a mean rooster, doing it for meatier birds to stock your freezer is very empowering!
But how did you TEACH them to use the darn nipple waterers. We keep attempting and have yet to succeed!
I'm not sure who you are asking, but for me I had to take a chick over there, click the trigger a couple of times and let him/her see the drop of water. As soon as that's figured out, the others will follow. I've only had to "teach" once with my first batch of chicks because they were older when I switched to nipples. Now even my hours old hatchlings figure it out all by themselves. You will probably have to remove any other style of water you have in there, because as long as they have an alternative source that they are used to they'll keep going back to it. Good luck!
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So maybe they prefer the grubbier water dish? Mary
Oh no! Please elaborate on why you say no production reds ever...I've been thinking of ordering 30 when it comes time to replace my existing flock (first flock ever). What's been your experience?

I've had hatchery RIRs, find they are more independent/standoffish & feisty. Some say they're just nasty mean :( Some say they're lovable :) It really depends on what you're looking for in your chickens. It's been said that "hatchery breeds" aren't bred to standard therefore don't always have the breed's personality.

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