Things You Wish You Would Have Known?

Just curious...did the cops feel like they had probable cause because you had cameras or were there other circumstances that got their attention? I'm not asking for details, just wondering how much attention the cameras drew in the first place. I have cameras on our property. I've decided not to put signs on the property notifying visitors that they're under 24/7 recorded surveillance because I don't want authorities to think we're doing anything illegal. We aren't, but I don't want to be on their "radar," so to speak.

I recently checked into baby monitors and see that the new ones have cameras in them, as well. I decided to go with a day/night vision network camera with sound instead because the camera is rated for outdoor use; the baby monitors are strictly indoor. Even though it would be inside the coop, the camera is in a non-climate-controlled environment. I'm afraid the heat and humidity here would trash an indoor-only device.

I guess you could call it "other circumstances"...We had an old house on our property, the crawl space was inhabited by skunks. The cops mistook the smell as pot. I wonder how much their foolish mistake cost us taxpayers...never mind how traumatized our daughter was when 2 of the 20 cops had her on the ground at gunpoint. My husband called and demanded they phone her and apologize, which they did. We have since demolished the house and got rid of the skunks...getting rid of skunks is a whole other story!
I guess you could call it "other circumstances"...We had an old house on our property, the crawl space was inhabited by skunks. The cops mistook the smell as pot. I  wonder how much their foolish mistake cost us taxpayers...never mind how traumatized our daughter was when 2 of the 20 cops had her on the ground at gunpoint. My husband called and demanded they phone her and apologize, which they did. We have since demolished the house and got rid of the skunks...getting rid of skunks is a whole other story!

That's some craziness right there!!!!
I had a camera in our chicken coop before we relocated it closer to our house. I was able to watch them from our computer. However, the cops raided our property once thinking we had a grow op...they were wrong of course but very curious as to why there was a camera in the chicken house. I'm sure they must have thought they were on to something but nope...just me being obsessive about keeping an eye on my chickens.

Baby monitor is a good idea too.
I have a Nest Cam, yup, that is the brand name, in my coop. I love it! Wish I had at least one more inside the coop because I have to choose watching the door and roosts, or the nest boxes. I used to be able to see which hens were laying, but now I can't.

And I want one outside in the runs as well. Time to win the lottery!
I had a camera in our chicken coop before we relocated it closer to our house. I was able to watch them from our computer. However, the cops raided our property once thinking we had a grow op...they were wrong of course but very curious as to why there was a camera in the chicken house. I'm sure they must have thought they were on to something but nope...just me being obsessive about keeping an eye on my chickens.

Baby monitor is a good idea too.

I hope you had a good laugh òver that one! My late husband was Chief of Police in this itty bitty town. Two doors down, heavily wooded, were they raise catfish, they had a distiller for making booze. Late husband gave cops the info, cops bust the still and drain all alcohol into catfish pond. My neighbors sued the county and won damages to clean pond and replace all deceased catfish. LOL

I would be highly irritated. They must have

been bored.
Yes I think a monitor will be good. Tonight the night light broke and they seem fine. I will keep list posted if I get monitor....
I hope you had a good laugh òver that one! My late husband was Chief of Police in this itty bitty town. Two doors down, heavily wooded, were they raise catfish, they had a distiller for making booze. Late husband gave cops the info, cops bust the still and drain all alcohol into catfish pond. My neighbors sued the county and won damages to clean pond and replace all deceased catfish. LOL

I would be highly irritated. They must have

been bored.
Yes I think a monitor will be good. Tonight the night light broke and they seem fine. I will keep list posted if I get monitor....
We didn't laugh at first. We considered suing but were happy to put it behind us. That was 8 or 9 years ago. Now, we just shake our heads.

Oh no, you would think at least one of them would have put two and two together on the alcohol going into the pond. A mistake that won't happen again.

The night light is also a good idea, just bright enough so critters shouldn't catch the off guard.

I had no idea when I started keeping chickens how I would become protective "mother hen"
We didn't laugh at first. We considered suing but were happy to put it behind us. That was 8 or 9 years ago. Now, we just shake our heads.

Oh no, you would think at least one of them would have put two and two together on the alcohol going into the pond. A mistake that won't happen again.

The night light is also a good idea, just bright enough so critters shouldn't catch the off guard.

I  had no idea when I started keeping chickens how I would become protective "mother hen"

Me neither! I even try and make them play fair. This am the two monsterous sized Orpingtons caught a bug. I dont know who finally ATE the bug. All their sisters started displaying behaviors like Hyenas! It turned into a big game of keep away, with me irritated becaus the hunters had their bugs stolen! And we are suppossed to let them work it out!? I didnt interfere, but I am considering buying live crickets. The first day out one caught baby frog! I was so proud!
I know what you mean about protective. I didnt know I woulxd love them, so I am constantly tryng to upgrade safety.
The light we have shines from outside into one screen wndow. Imma gonna get something for inside coop because they have not been able to see best highest perch area.
Yes, and the chick sitter is s dilema. I had problems just with dogs. My Mom is elderly and not doing well, and I dont know what we would do if we both had to go out of state. I think crate chicks, and they can hang in temporary ex pens and moms little dog run. A horse trailer as chicken coop is genius idea. Just hook them up and roll!
I guess you could call it "other circumstances"...We had an old house on our property, the crawl space was inhabited by skunks. The cops mistook the smell as pot. I wonder how much their foolish mistake cost us taxpayers...never mind how traumatized our daughter was when 2 of the 20 cops had her on the ground at gunpoint. My husband called and demanded they phone her and apologize, which they did. We have since demolished the house and got rid of the skunks...getting rid of skunks is a whole other story!

How on earth could someone who had ever smelled either one confuse those 2?
Baby monitor user here too
We got a mated pair of hawks and raccoons all over the place here. Possums as well. I got the mini barn locked up tighter than tight at night. Nothing would be able to get in unless they grew thumbs and had wire cutters. During the day, I'm around the hose and property all day long and when I go off to do or get something off property They get put in the enclosed coop till I get back. My one neighbor calls it chicken Alcatraz and I'm the warden. When I'm in the house and something comes along like those hawks, Jeanie (head chicken) goes from bossy chicken to stand in rooster and makes such a ruckus you'd thing something DID get one of them. Like yesterday...when I went out to check, she had everyone under the young pepper tree saplings. that point there..."stand in rooster" have any of yall had a hen...act real roostery? Like...mount another hen??? I could've sworn Jeanie did that the other day but...It happen just at my side vision and when I looked that way it was over and done. Jeanie'd hopped off. This is a first for me. What do yall say?

We renamed Victoria, V V (for Victor Victoria) although I have seen Emma do it too. Our Spice Girls are very dominant.
But turn it of LPf while applying the PB ;)

Sorry. True story. When I lived/worked on a horse farm 100 yearscsgo, my boyfreind came to help me. We fed mostly in the fields with gtoumd pans. Boyfreind came back to barn one night lookijgvavlittlevgreen around the gills. When I questioned him, I finally got the truth. With no facilities in s feld, he had to urinate. Eo he did it on the hot wire! LOL. So sorry you guys. Something got my funny bone.

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