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I have 5 eight week old chick's that have been in a small cage inside the coop where the other older hen's and one rooster are, my question is.. Are they still to young to be set free with the others
That's about when mine have been mixed w my older birds- integrated 3 new groups into my flock this season & haven't had too much trouble w integrating them around 8 weeks old
Should I worry about the rooster trying to mount the little one's.
I have a 20 week old rooster who has been frisky since he was 15 weeks old. He leaves the pullets alone. Not sure why, but there are 20 week old pullets with him and he is only interested in the year old hens. I have 12 week old chicks in there as well, and he leaves them alone.

This is my first experience with a rooster, and I've only had chickens for a year, so I am not positive. Just my personal experience.
Ok thank you for the advice
It's all about sharing! I'm in the process of integrating 6 week old FBCMs into the flock. They have gradually moved into the big run. I have a mini coop inside the run and today, I stood guard as they mixed in a bit. They got pecked once by the roo, and an Easter Egger went into their tiny run and was eating their food. When one of the littles also tried to eat, the EE gave it a peck, and then went back to eating. My main concern is to see that they always can escape in the beginning. Pecking order does get established, and easier than we expect!

Good luck!
If you raise guineas with your chickens, they will defend/raise a ruckus at the sign of an intruder.

This is great when it comes to predators...not so great when you're trying to add a few roos to your flock of laying hens. Poor boys got chased into the trees two days in a row before the guineas gave up and let them join the flock.
Personally, I have had my younger/smaller birds injured and even some eventually died by being caught up in the great exit in the a.m. I try to separate the young ones at night because of this. I eventually plan to make some chicken tractors just for this reason. My older ones are about 16 weeks old now and are rough on my 7 week old chicks. They still peck at them but no permanent damage but having a good size pullet or rooster landing on you when coming off the roost is very damaging to their little fragile bodies. I am trying to figure out a way to divide the coup for nighttime for now. I hope to have my tractors built soon however.

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