Things your hometown is famous for . . . .

I grew up in Oak Ridge, TN. It's famous for ... the atom bomb. It was the secret city built in the early forties for the Manhattan Project.
Here's a lil info on it.

It's sad, really. If you hunt deer in the area in hunting season, you have to let the rangers go over the carcass with a geiger counter before you can take it home. My most disturbing pollution based memory is going fishing and swimming in a creek when I was a kid, then going back when I was a teenager to fish and not being able to because of the large fence and not safe for swimming/fishing/ nuclear hazard signs posted.... in the same spot I swam in a few years earlier.

A few good things about it though are that it is a city that is 100 sq. miles in size, but only has a population somewhere around 38000, it is a hub for very intelligent folks from all over the world - so whenever you go anywhere you can hear many languages being spoken, and appears to have one of the best stretches of water in the country for competative rowing. The Canadian National Women's team even comes down to practice here, and there are always many different college teams in the area for it.
I live in Rutherford County, North Carolina.

Before the California gold rush Rutherford County was one of the places to be if you were a gold prospector. Several people I know still go searching for and find gold in the area. It's also the location where the very first Gold Dollar was minted in the United States at Betchlers Mint (Late 1831 or early 1832). The US government didn't mint a gold dollar until 17 years later.

There have been several movies filmed here.

The Last of the Mohicans with Daniel Day Lewis
Dirty Dancing with that Swayze dude
Fire Starter with Drew Barrymore

There may be a new historic chapter in the works for Rutherford County. It is said that Abraham Lincoln was actually born in the town of Bostic in Rutherford County. I'm not sure if that's the case, but after reading the accounts it is very plausible. Just do a search on Bostic and Abe Lincoln.
I live in an area known as Little Egypt. It is the southern most end of IL. Some of our claims to fame.... Ray Fosse, remember the catcher that Pete Rose blew up on a play at the plate in "THE ALL-STAR GAME"... Charlie Birger, leader of the Charlie Birger Gang, he ran just about all the bootlegging thru the middle of the country. He got into a turf war with the Shelton brothers which led to the first aerial bombing in the history of the United States when one of the Shelton clan dropped dynamite from a bi-plane trying to blow up Charlies' hide out. Also back in the twenties, we had the Herrin Massacre. It gave this county such a black eye, the state of Illinois tried to divorce Williamson Co. That isn't even touching on the period of time that spawned the book, Bloody Williamson, when this county was the murder capitol of the world. We also have the Trail of Tears in our past..... Great little place
I am from Oak Ridge, TN and we were the Secret City in WWII Helped build the atomic bomb. Funny thing is we are still secret b/c no one has ever heard of Oak Ridge lol

just saw I was beat here by another Oak Ridger a few posts above
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Gaylord, MI
Is famous for always getting slammed with snow! It never misses us...EVER.
Other than that...I have no idea, I just moved here.

Traverse City, MI
Is famous for being "Little San Francisco of the North"
Annnd "Wonderful" Micheal Moore has decided it's his favorite place.
My hometown is famous for because its where Martha Stewart had an extended "vacation" at Camp Cupcake,....our lovely womens fed. prison. Also on down the road, where I went to school and now where my kids go to school is famous for the steel driving man,...John Henry.

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