Think I have 2 roosters:(


9 Years
May 18, 2015
Meet Daisy (left) and Parsley (right).


They are both Easter Eggers. Originally we had thought Daisy was a rooster. I had even made a post last week and everyone on this site seemed to confirm my thoughts. This is one of the pictures I posted.


We've been noticing that Parsley has been acting extra sassy the past few days, and has also been making interesting sounds. Parsley and Daisy have been having stand-offs with each other as well. After bringing them outside this afternoon, it seemed as if Parsley was even more rooster-like than Daisy. You can see the difference of feathers in the picture above, but could they both be roosters?????

I'm so heartbroken :/ I love all of my baby chickens!
I'm in a similar boat, but I have one EE rooster (11 weeks) who was supposed to be a pullet. I did get a no-crow collar, but since Clyde isn't crowing loudly yet, I haven't put it on him. Maybe next week I'll give it a try. Just wanted you to know that there are options. My daughter is quite smitten with him, and he has become a decent pet. Not sure what will happen when the hormones kick in, but I am willing to give the no-crow collar a try. In your case having two roos, you might have to build a bachelor pad or separate them. Good luck.
I think it depends on who you talk to. There are threads about them in the forum. I believe overall rooster bachelor pads are favorable, but they are extra work too. I love this website because it covers every possible chicken scenario you can imagine. I've learned a ton here.
I'm in a similar boat, but I have one EE rooster (11 weeks) who was supposed to be a pullet. I did get a no-crow collar, but since Clyde isn't crowing loudly yet, I haven't put it on him. Maybe next week I'll give it a try. Just wanted you to know that there are options. My daughter is quite smitten with him, and he has become a decent pet. Not sure what will happen when the hormones kick in, but I am willing to give the no-crow collar a try. In your case having two roos, you might have to build a bachelor pad or separate them. Good luck.

Thanks, and let me know how it works with the collar. Parsley was my favorite from the beginning and I'm super bummed having to think about letting her go:/
Quote: I hear you. We have only 4 chickens (all 11 weeks old), and I can't imagine seeing any of them go. We ALMOST gave Clyde to the Amish last week but changed our minds and opted to find another solution. I'll post results of the collar.

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