Think it's too cold for your chickens? Think again...

They are very easy to make and the best thing... the water remains crystal clear... This time of year I just add water to them 2-3 times a week using another bucket and then once a month I completely empty them and clean them... Best method I've used . No more poopy waterers to clean
It is 10 degrees here in CT. I was sitting here in my nice warm house worrying about my girls in their 8 X 12 coop with just one 250 watt red bulb. I read the first page of this thread and went out and unplugged the light. They will live.

They may give you the shtink-eye for the first couple of days, but they'll be fine!
Update us in the morning, would you?
Took the water dish out last night. Put it back in early this AM.....they were all were they were last night at closeup. I was feeling a little guilty so I made them a hamburg breakfast........too dark to see condensation....
well, i have read this thread from begining to end and am kinda scared! i posted a thread the other day about should I be heating my birds. I feel kinda stupid to have a 250w in there with 12 degree temps and -15 wind chill. it was down to 40 in the coop with the bulb running. from here on out, i only had the light on at night, i am going to ween them off of it unless it is bitterly cold out. i have a heater base for my watere, but have not used it yet. guess i am going to now!!! thank you SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO much for this thread.

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :


They may give you the shtink-eye for the first couple of days, but they'll be fine!
Update us in the morning, would you?

Yes, they were all fine and the only one who gave me the "shtink-eye" was Lauren Bacall, a silkie-cochin splash, and she's a prima donna anyway!
-5*F here this morning... 10*F inside the breeder coop. Because I have bantams in there, I worry about them, but when I put the heat on in there last week (it was -10*F) instantly I could see my breath and the humidity went up. Even when I had the heat on, it was below freezing in there. 25*F I think... but they're doing well so far.
I'm glad to put minds at ease...
Just keep an eye on them... it will be obvious when they start feeling uncomfortable, and that's when I add heat, or more bedding for them to snuggle into.

Word on the street here is that right after Christmas we are going to have the bottom of the thermometer drop out... I am not looking forward to it, but I feel a little better knowing that I don't have to stress about the birds. As much. At -45F, you're going to have problems one way or another, but I think it's going to be harder on me and my face and hands than it will be for the birds.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Just keep an eye on them... it will be obvious when they start feeling uncomfortable, and that's when I add heat, or more bedding for them to snuggle into.

Word on the street here is that right after Christmas we are going to have the bottom of the thermometer drop out... I am not looking forward to it, but I feel a little better knowing that I don't have to stress about the birds. As much. At -45F, you're going to have problems one way or another, but I think it's going to be harder on me and my face and hands than it will be for the birds.

Well, you could grow feathers on your hands and face:lol:!!​
Word on the street here is that right after Christmas we are going to have the bottom of the thermometer drop out... I am not looking forward to it, but I feel a little better knowing that I don't have to stress about the birds. As much. At -45F, you're going to have problems one way or another, but I think it's going to be harder on me and my face and hands than it will be for the birds.

-45!! I wish for you a warm home with no power outages!​
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