Think my hen might be on her way "out" - UPDATE** CAPILLARIA WORMS

Not quite sure what to make of this.

I wormed her with Valbazen a week ago yesterday. I only saw evidence of a few thready worms in her droppings the day after we wormed her. She never really "perked up" as I expected she would. Some days seemed better than others for her. One day she'd scratch and eat. The next day she would just sit.

Got to thinking that maybe the Valbazen wasn't doing as it should because she'd been wormed with it 8 months prior and/or it was stored on the back porch during the winter. Nothing froze out there but it would have gotten pretty close to freezing. The expiration date on the Valbazen was still good until 2015.

So - got Safeguard yesterday. Wormed all the girls with Safeguard late last night. No evidence of worms in droppings this morning but I didn't really expect them as the worming wasn't done until about 10:00 PM. Lucy is having a "bad day" today. Came out walking slow. Sits pretty much in one spot. I did see her drink, which was good. Just made her some scrambled eggs with left over wild rice and she did eat up on that. I also found her in the nesting box today, which was odd. Only the second time to find her there in a month. She was just standing there for about an hour with eyes mostly shut. When she came out, she was moving slow and was making noise but it wasn't the egg song. It was a song of "I'm not happy".

Wondering if she has too many worms to pass and is bound up. Wondering if she has something totally unrelated and just happened to find the worms while trying to figure out what's wrong with her. Not sure what to do at this point. Doesn't seem to be viral as no one else is sick and it's been going on for a month. Just wait and see if she has a delayed rebound - fingers crossed - or if this is something internal that can't be fixed. I've done all I know to do at this point.
The wormers did their job. There wouldnt be worm blockage after using valbazen because it slowly kills worms over several days. However, it's possible that the worms caused internal damage prior to worming. Try giving your hen scrambled egg mixed with buttermilk for about 5 days. Buttermilk will help build up her immune system, is easily absorbed in the digestive tract and coats the intestinal lining. It is a better probiotic than yogurt and yogurt tends to pass through them. Scrambled egg will help build up strength in your hen.
The wormers did their job. There wouldnt be worm blockage after using valbazen because it slowly kills worms over several days. However, it's possible that the worms caused internal damage prior to worming. Try giving your hen scrambled egg mixed with buttermilk for about 5 days. Buttermilk will help build up her immune system, is easily absorbed in the digestive tract and coats the intestinal lining. It is a better probiotic than yogurt and yogurt tends to pass through them. Scrambled egg will help build up strength in your hen.

Thanks, Dawg, I've put buttermilk on the grocery list. Have been giving her scrambled egg and she's been eating some of it but not much. Her crop felt modestly full last night when we re-wormed so I'm thinking she's eating from the hanging feeder when I'm not watching. Hope so.

Fingers crossed!!
Lucy is gone. My husband and son put her out of her misery.

Yesterday around 4:00 PM she went to the nesting box and never left it. Her comb was shriveled up to almost nothing and she refused both food and water. It was obvious that she was fading fast. She'd been too good a gal to let linger in such a situation so we took matters into our own hands.

My husband said her crop was a solid hard lump. The lumpy crop was a new development as we'd been checking it for the possibility of sour or impacted crop and it had been normal up until today.

Sorry that she's gone, she was a great gal, one of my first chickens, and my lead hen. We now have bizarre gymnastics going on in the run as the rest of the gal's jockey for the "Lead Hen" position. One has taken to impersonating a turkey, which is rather entertaining!

I'm going to frame a picture of Lucy and hang it in the coop. I hope it will be an inspiration to the rest of the hens as they've got some mighty big shoes to fill!
Thanks. Can I ask you one - or actually two - more questions.

On the Safeguard, do I re-worm again in 10 days? How long do I withhold eggs. I'm thinking 21 days from the final dose?

BTW, really appreciate all your help. When the vet said he didn't know what to treat the worms with I told him it was okay, I just needed to check with Dawg! LOL!
Thanks. Can I ask you one - or actually two - more questions.

On the Safeguard, do I re-worm again in 10 days? How long do I withhold eggs. I'm thinking 21 days from the final dose?

BTW, really appreciate all your help. When the vet said he didn't know what to treat the worms with I told him it was okay, I just needed to check with Dawg! LOL!
Thank you for your kind words. Reworm again in 10 days. Discard eggs for 14 days after the final dose.
I could use a little direction in proper dosing of my chickens for the exact conditions described in the previous Capillaria infestation. I have been keeping chickens for years both large pen and free range and never had a real serious problem until this year when I thought earthworms were chicken treats! Older and wiser yipee!
I have 4 chickens out of 16 with the conditions and treatment will begin . The 1cc dose of Valbazen was easy, but the liquid goat wormer, equine paste, and pyrantel pamoate are for larger animals so are they going by body weight or using a specific volumn amount say from a syringe orally. I haven't purchased anything yet but hoping to start treatment as soon as I get a proper game plan.

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