Thinking about getting some ducks- a few questions.

For ducks first of all, they are such funny animals if they don't like being held then how funny they are makes up for it.

1. I feed my ducks the same thing as my chickens. If you get them as ducklings you can feed them chick starter feed. The medicated chick feed is ok if the medication in it is Amprolium. Then give them a grower until they are laying just like chickens. Once they lay give them the layer feed.

2. I don't keep mine with the chickens. They are messy messy animals.
When they are little they have to have there water right next to there food so they can wash down there food and not choke. So you will have a little duck going form the food to the water and back in forth and the waterer gets full of feed and dirt.
Just makes you have to clean it a lot more often. My chickens stay in a coop/run that is fully enclosed and my ducks free range with a dog kennel to sleep and rest in. They are happiest with a pool of some kind so if they are with your chickens 24/7 and you put a pool in there run with them it is going to get everything wet. I don't keep my ducks with my chickens just because my set up just isn't good for it and I like having to only clean there kennel only once a week instead of having to clean the entire chicken set up everyweek, I do that every two weeks. But like rainplace said a lot of people on here do house them together and it works out great.

3. I only have a black swedish and a swed mix, so I can't help out with the campbells. I can tell you that my swedish don't like being held but will come running up to you and love eating out of your hand and walking around you. They are happy when you are around, just don't touch them.
From what I gather most ducks just aren't lovey dovey like chickens can be. My swedish are quiet and only the female quacks every now and then. The male only does a raspy hiss noice, he couldn't make a loud noise if his life depened on it.

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