Thinking about incubating, first timer


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
Southern WV
I found my guinea nest yesterday. Am thinking of getting an incubator to try and hatch some of them.

Is it very difficult for a first timer to hatch guinea eggs?

I have two females, and a male of course
, that have been free ranging for about 6 weeks. I don't really know how old the oldest egg is. No one is really sitting on the nest, that I can see. They are all three roosting together at night? Should I take a chance?
Buy the best incubator you can afford from the very beginning. Don't fool around with a low quality LG if you can afford something better.

The best small incubator for a hobby hatcher is the Hovabator from GQF . The Genesis 1588 is preset and you don't have to fuss with it to make it work. It is essentially plug n' play. Add eggs and water and wait 21 days. If you can afford to buy the turner get it. Hand turning looses the novelty fast and it frees you up from having to turn the eggs 3 or more times a day every single day for those first 18 days.

Everyone should try a hatch at least once.
Misss P I really think that everyone on here should write GQF and tell them that they need to pay you commission for all the customers you have sent their way. Still waiting for that darn bator fairie to bring me one
Good idea, Zoo. Send them a letter and tell them they should send me a Sportsman for all business I send them
or at the least another 1588.
All joking aside you told me to tell them so I did. I just emailed them invited them to the board and told them they need to thank MissPrissy. Let me know if they show up. I also told them that you should be paid a commission. Really I did email them and told them all this now lets see if they show up to thank you.
I just ordered my Genesis 1588 with auto egg turner. They said it could be 7-10 days before processing.

Will the eggs be ok in the nest until I receive or should I be doing something else with them?
Are your guineas still laying? If so collect the fresh eggs. Store them in a cool place in a carton pointy end done. Turn the twice a day to keep the embryo from sticking. When your bator comes fire it up and set your eggs. You can collect eggs for 10 - 12 days and with proper care they will remain viable for hatching.

Zoo, I am blushing!

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