Thinking of giving up

If you already have the chain link, then yes, add it! But secure very good to the ground with long stakes, if you can get 3/8" or 1/2" re-bar used for concrete work ... You can make stakes out of that ... Cut a 15" long piece, and bend a "U" at one end, slide it through the fence and hammer into the ground ... You may find you ground softens up a lot when it is wet ... So a little soak before pounding may help ...

Some people put a "skirt" on top the ground if the want dig protection, fencing layng on top of the ground, held down with rocks or stakes ...
If you already have the chain link, then yes, add it! But secure very good to the ground with long stakes, if you can get 3/8" or 1/2" re-bar used for concrete work ... You can make stakes out of that ... Cut a 15" long piece, and bend a "U" at one end, slide it through the fence and hammer into the ground ... You may find you ground softens up a lot when it is wet ... So a little soak before pounding may help ...

Some people put a "skirt" on top the ground if the want dig protection, fencing layng on top of the ground, held down with rocks or stakes ...
^^^ X2. For a dig proof "skirt", 2X4 wire would suffice. Connect it a few inches (6) up on the side of the coop then bend it 90deg to lie flat on the ground. you can use steel chain link ties bent into a "U" to anchor it into the ground. Some folks use wood chips to cover that area. Very best of luck to you!
^^^ X2. For a dig proof "skirt", 2X4 wire would suffice. Connect it a few inches (6) up on the side of the coop then bend it 90deg to lie flat on the ground. you can use steel chain link ties bent into a "U" to anchor it into the ground. Some folks use wood chips to cover that area.  Very best of luck to you!

2x4 will only suffice against larger predators, it offers no protection to small predators like weasels...
The long-tailed weasel's range covers your area, they might not be prominent but I'm sure they are there and it only takes one...

Been here 23 years. Worked animal control 17 years. Have never seen a weasel. Escaped pet ferrets, but never a weasel. They are more common close to the Santa Anna river, Not here. 

Weasels are rarely seen even when they are abundant...
I am so sorry for your losses. Years ago, I lost my whole first flock to raccoons. I know how devastating this feels.
I hope you can stay strong during this depressing time. Everything will get better; you'll see.

I'm not sure how a fox could've gotten in. Maybe a loose open opening, but I honestly have no idea.
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Weasels are rarely seen even when they are abundant...
Okie Dokie.
I live here, have for 23 years. Work animal control. Investigate predators. There are NO weasels here. EVER. Let it go.
Let's be mindful of the OP and focus on trying to help.

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