Thinking of reducing my feed costs with fodder!


Here is some photos of my fodder! I may have to much going right now, but I am learning! We used some scratch grain and corn to start with because we didn't have wheat, barley, or oats. The scratch grain is doing wonderfullly.
JPHendrix, how is your fodder going? I have been growing organic wheat for my chickens. They love it. With what I have read, and from my own experience, oats are hard to sprout. I did a test of wheat, rye, and oats. The wheat and rye sprouted, but the oats never did. I just fed the soaked oats to the chickens. They ate them fine, but I am going for sprouting for fodder to maximize my cost efficiency. Usually 1# of grain equals 4 to 6 # when sprouted. I found a source of organic wheat. I have to travel to get it, and they are not cheap. A 50# bag cost me about $54. I prefer organic, especially since I have issues with gluten (I think most of mine and my son's issues are because it has been so hybridized, GMO'd and pesticide laden). They are thriving on it.

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