THIRD and final.. Can someone identify this breed as well, please?


8 Years
Mar 8, 2011
Southern California
Third one..
Again, a rare breed, five month old pullet.

Is she bantam or standard and what breed please?



Thank you very much...
Sicilian Buttercup. Standard/LF size.

You've got a nice little flock. I LOVE seeing more people with something more special than the average sexlink and buff orpington and such.
I am so excited to know what these are.... thank you so very much... I would love them no matter.. but, it's great to know a name. (If I can remember it, ha!)
Thank you.
"Sicilian Buttercup. Standard/LF size.

You've got a nice little flock. I LOVE seeing more people with something more special than the average sexlink and buff orpington and such".
I have to agree speckeled Sicilian buttercup!!
Looks similar to a cockerel I have... a cross between a Barred Rock Rooster and Golden Comet Hen.
Definitely Sicilian Buttercup. Named for the cup-like comb.

She's really pretty and standard size. Many of the white egg layers only get to be 4-5 pounds. I've become more interested in them - they eat less and I can have more chickens! Plus they're different from the typical BRs, RIRs, sex-links, etc. I don't have any of those. I think my Cuckoo Marans is my most "standard" chicken, other than my EEs.

Next year I may order the McMurray rarest of rare pullet or the Ideal rare pullet or lighter breed pullet assortment. I like the concept of being surprised.

I'm envious!
What a gorgeous standard buttercup!
I'm jealous, and definitely thinking of adding one or two to my flock next year

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