~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

Okay, I filled my brinsea incubator to the max with turkey eggs and still had some left to set, so I put them in my "emergency bator" which is a still air Little Giant. The Little Giant thermometer is reading 106 F (laying ontop of eggs) and my brinsea spot check thermometer is reading 97.1 F (probe is next to an egg, leveled to the top of them). Which thermometer do I trust?! It's such a big variation.
Add me to the list, I set mine yesterday!
My turkey hen is getting SERIOUS about this becoming a mom stuff!! I've reached in every day and she has stood up and let me look, then laid back down. Today I went to reach in and she hissed at me and flared out her wings! Looks like she's getting deeper into it!!! Yay! Yesterday she took her 30 min break to stretch and eat, but then she also left the nest from 330-6pm. Idk how much she has been in today though. Haven't had time to stalk her. lol Too late to do this hatch a thon with turkey eggs. Mate I'll wait and set her Monday with chicken eggs. Idk if I'm patient enuf to wait til Monday though. Lol
My turkey hen is getting SERIOUS about this becoming a mom stuff!! I've reached in every day and she has stood up and let me look, then laid back down. Today I went to reach in and she hissed at me and flared out her wings! Looks like she's getting deeper into it!!! Yay! Yesterday she took her 30 min break to stretch and eat, but then she also left the nest from 330-6pm. Idk how much she has been in today though. Haven't had time to stalk her. lol Too late to do this hatch a thon with turkey eggs. Mate I'll wait and set her Monday with chicken eggs. Idk if I'm patient enuf to wait til Monday though. Lol
That sounds serious. Why is it too late for turkey eggs?

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