Third day not laying. Should I be worried?


15 Years
Mar 12, 2009
I have a hen that has just started laying a few months ago. She has never stuck to an exact pattern of laying. Last week she layed three double yolkers in a row. The week before she layed an egg about every other day including a wind egg.

It is now about 3 PM on the third day she has not layed. She acts perfectly normal in everyway. I am pretty sure she is not eggbound or has any other such problems. My other hens - which are more regular layers - have been skipping days also, but not three days in a row. Is this normal? Should I be worried? Is it just the certain time of the year?

There diet, laying and sleeping areas are the same. What could be wrong?

Has anyone experienced this before? Sorry, still somewhat new to chickens and just want to know?

Thank You
I think it's normal. My girls just started to lay too and it's the same. They lay good for a while and then....bam....nothing for a day or two. They normal again.
I'm bumping myself.

Please, someone answer. I am worried about my chicky-chick.

it is normal. My barred rocks started laying a few months ago then all of a sudden went on strike after they had been laying about 2-3 months didnt lay for almost 4 weeks then I went out and there they were eggs in the nest box, they have been laying everyday since. but I did add vitamins to their water and gave them a little calf manna for a little added nutrition so it could have been that
Thank You

I was hoping it was normal. It has been very hot lately (around 100). It maybe related to the heat. This hen doesn't seem to take the heat as well as the others.

I will give them extra vitamins and calcium.

Do you know when not laying can become a problem? Is there something I should be looking out for?

Thank You
I think you answered your own question. Mine don't lay when it's hot. They'll start up again as soon as it cools down a bit. Not to worry.
Update!! Through deduction, I figured out that she must have layed an egg early this morning. One of my other hens was desperate to get out to a large dog house we use as a communal nesting box. I could hear her hollering at me at 5:30 in the morning. Being the sap I am, I indulged her and walked her to the house and allowed her to brood on some plastic eggs until daylight.

Well, I let the others out at around 7. Went to check on Shirley and there was still no egg. Well, I didn't think this was surprising. She had laid an egg yesterday around 3 PM. So, I knew the goofball didn't need to lay an egg that early in the morning. I went back inside and later heard Laverne (the one who hasn't layed for a few days) screaming at Shirley. I thought she might want to use the nest. So, I removed Shirley and put her inside. She really did stay long. SHirley went right back on the plastic eggs.

I then heard more screaming, silence and then Laverne doing the 'egg song'. I looked back in the house and felt under Shirley. There was an egg under her. She had obviously been pushed aside by another chicken. Hopeful, I looked at the egg. It had a flattened top like Laverne's but it shell was too smooth and consistently brown to be hers. I figured that Shirley must have layed two eggs in 24 hours.

Well, Ethel kept was poping in and out of the 'hen' house a few times. Just now, I found her egg.

So, I went back and looked over all the hen's eggs that had been layed over the last day. Laverne must have layed that egg this morning. The few days break had done her some good. She is laying much nicer eggs now.

It also means that Shirley is now sneaking out to the hen house to brood on the plastic eggs before anyone else can get to them. The liitle scamp!!

I too thought my 2 girls slowed down due to the heat, WRONG. I found 20 eggs under a bush today. Not only did my two girls not slow down, my two other girls began! I guess I'll have to start checking the bush everyday now.
Yep, when I do not have what I think they should have laid, I go on an egg hunt! My lil scamp leghorn lady loves a game of hide and seek every now and then.... She seems to be the only one that will hide hers sometimes!

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