Third time around Tampa Bay Area Chicken Swap - Saturday, January 28th

Aw, Nava, hope everything works out.
Having a bit of a family issue here, but not an emergency, certainly, so I'll still be there. My buyer didn't show up until late, so he'll get whatever is leftover.
Sorry I could not make, ended up not having money for gas to get there. If anyone does need or want nest boxes or bat houses, I work in Tampa by TIA we could meet up.

Below top left: Single Chamber Bat house built to UF standards for bats in Florida
Right side top 3: Nest boxes available, also have a 4 version
Other bottom pics: two chicken tractors and a larger hen house

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Thanks Chics in the Sun!! I sold all my chicks and got a couple of really beautiful Rocks from tigercreek! Great to meet a bunch of really nice chicken-folk! See you next time.
Thanks from Tigercreek too!! Brought some birds home, but had a great time and it was good to meet some folks from here. I even was able to get rid of one of those roosters!
. I finally got to meet The Juan!! Next swap I hope to I have chicks....stan

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