Third time around Tampa Bay Area Chicken Swap - Saturday, January 28th

Hey chics,

Fowl Mom in Largo has a parcel of land that is still zoned farm/agriculture and was grandfathered in to be allowed to have roosters, pigs, cattle etc. when Largo incorporated that part of the county.

Hope that helps solve the mystery!

Yes, it is a great place to live, chillmiller. Where are you living now?

One of the underground chicken owners that came to my swap from unincoorporated Pinellas suggested we start a chicken owners club of Tampa Bay. We could advocate to change the law, as well as have social get togethers and maybe coordinate a better swap for the Spring. Who's in???
Sounds good. I am sorry I did not come by actually I drove by but could not find a place to park so kept on going.

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