This? At a CHURCH?!

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If there wasn't children involved in my group that I give out bread to, I would do the same thing. This one family that I pass bread to is a widow mom of 6 kids. Their father passed away from a sudden heart attack last year and the mom is struggling way beyond believes to feed the kids. Another family with 3 kids, one of the daughters have cancer and dad works 2 jobs and mom works as well but they still cannot keep up with the bills.

I got 5 families that I bring food to and all have children

I understand your dilemia. I wonder if you contacted a Muslim organization and explained your problem if they would donate the bread. It would be not only a good PR move for them but also might show the youngsters in that Church that good people exist in all faiths. Maybe you could offer to get the press involved if a Islamic organization would help with the bread.
Yes, pray for them and pity them. But anger can be a righteous force in some instances. Protesting the Church does not hurt the members free speech rights but might show a more compassionate side of Christianity to the world. I am speaking of peaceful protest, maybe involving a prayer group, not any shouting or disruption.
Some churches are unconnected with any higher authority.

That is the problem with most organized religions. Sad isn't it! Worth a try if they are with a large group.
It has been a long time since I have posted on my blog. But this really upsets me. I might protest by putting up an article to draw attention to this. I certainly can't afford to travel to Florida. Although I would, if I could.
If there wasn't children involved in my group that I give out bread to, I would do the same thing. This one family that I pass bread to is a widow mom of 6 kids. Their father passed away from a sudden heart attack last year and the mom is struggling way beyond believes to feed the kids. Another family with 3 kids, one of the daughters have cancer and dad works 2 jobs and mom works as well but they still cannot keep up with the bills.

I got 5 families that I bring food to and all have children

I understand your dilemia. I wonder if you contacted a Muslim organization and explained your problem if they would donate the bread. It would be not only a good PR move for them but also might show the youngsters in that Church that good people exist in all faiths. Maybe you could offer to get the press involved if a Islamic organization would help with the bread.

i do not tell my group where we got the charity from. its Ananamous (spelling?). My hsuband already told the lady that we refuse to support the church and that we only do this for the people who need help. They said that they completely understand.
I understand your dilemia. I wonder if you contacted a Muslim organization and explained your problem if they would donate the bread. It would be not only a good PR move for them but also might show the youngsters in that Church that good people exist in all faiths. Maybe you could offer to get the press involved if a Islamic organization would help with the bread.

i do not tell my group where we got the charity from. its Ananamous (spelling?). My hsuband already told the lady that we refuse to support the church and that we only do this for the people who need help. They said that they completely understand.

I totally understand!
Robin'sBrood :

IMO, this thread should disappear before it turns ugly. Sorry.

How is this thread turning ugly? We are all in agreement that the Church is wrong and that protest should be peaceful. I am confused at the ugliness that you see. I think that we are having a rather peaceful discussion over something that angers us. No one has expressed any anger at BYC members or any followers of other faiths. I think that we have all been polite.

The only way to rid ourselves of such things as prejudice and hate is to bring such things into the light. I think that is a very Christian concept.
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How is this thread turning ugly? We are all in agreement that the Church is wrong and that protest should be peaceful. I am confused at the ugliness that you see. I think that we are having a rather peaceful discussion over something that angers us. No one has expressed any anger at BYC members or any followers of other faiths. I think that we have all been polite.

The only way to rid ourselves of such things as prejudice and hate is to bring such things into the light. I think that is a very Christian concept.

AMEN sister!
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