This? At a CHURCH?!

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How is this thread turning ugly? We are all in agreement that the Church is wrong and that protest should be peaceful. I am confused at the ugliness that you see. I think that we are having a rather peaceful discussion over something that angers us. No one has expressed any anger at BYC members or any followers of other faiths. I think that we have all been polite.

The only way to rid ourselves of such things as prejudice and hate is to bring such things into the light. I think that is a very Christian concept.

I agree with deb.
Nope, not good enough. I would not take their bread; I would find another source or make it myself. Kids or no kids it is the principle. I would also send somebody else if others wanted that bread so badly.

BTW, MAKING your own bread costs pennies..... and the recipe I posted takes no time.
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