This coop?

View attachment 1254735 I propped the door open so they could get used to it and walk in and out if they want.
Well, being house chickens is a good solution too. You are crafty - convince your mom that you can make them a chicken diaper to wear around the house. ;)
I'm sure that free coop is probably gone. If that was in my area, I would have snatched it up pretty quick.
So, your mom agreed for you to take the chickens from your teacher. Did the two of you come up with a plan on how they were going to be housed? (If she agrees on the house chicken - no other solution is needed - besides maybe a run of sorts for them to get some supervised outside time.)
Well, being house chickens is a good solution too. You are crafty - convince your mom that you can make them a chicken diaper to wear around the house. ;)
I'm sure that free coop is probably gone. If that was in my area, I would have snatched it up pretty quick.
So, your mom agreed for you to take the chickens from your teacher. Did the two of you come up with a plan on how they were going to be housed? (If she agrees on the house chicken - no other solution is needed - besides maybe a run of sorts for them to get some supervised outside time.)
They where house chickens a few days ago but snowball crows and my grandma and sister wanted him outside so of course they both have to be outside chickens but I can try to clear up some space in my room for their cage instead of them being in the living room.
Well, being house chickens is a good solution too. You are crafty - convince your mom that you can make them a chicken diaper to wear around the house. ;)
I'm sure that free coop is probably gone. If that was in my area, I would have snatched it up pretty quick.
So, your mom agreed for you to take the chickens from your teacher. Did the two of you come up with a plan on how they were going to be housed? (If she agrees on the house chicken - no other solution is needed - besides maybe a run of sorts for them to get some supervised outside time.)
also, I have tried to make chicken diapers three times before... Didn't work out well any of those three times. But instead of buying a coop for outside we can just buy chicken diapers with the tax money.
If grandma says no to the rooster inside, then that is probably a no to house chickens.

Here is a blog on chicken diapers.
There are also two videos - I didn't watch.
Well, good luck. I hope it all works out for you and your chickens!
They are inside right now anyway. I don't see what her problem is. By the time he wakes up and starts crowing my grandma has already been up for over an hour at the least. She wakes up super early for work.
I really hate to say this but for the good of your chickens, if you're not allowed to keep them in the house and your guardians don't want to help you get and set up an adequate coop and run, you might want to consider finding them another home where they will be cared for and safe. I know that's a hard decision to make but maybe you need to think about it as one of your options.
Snowball just discovered my mirror
He's checking himself out
He just jumped on my bed.
Does anyone else think it is so adorable when their chickens drink?
Cricket tried to fly on top of the mirror and fell.
I really hate to say this but for the good of your chickens, if you're not allowed to keep them in the house and your guardians don't want to help you get and set up an adequate coop and run, you might want to consider finding them another home where they will be cared for and safe. I know that's a hard decision to make but maybe you need to think about it as one of your options.
They are going to be sleeping in here and their cage will be moved back into the living room.

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