This coop?


This looks super easy. And it’s similar to the links you posted. It’ll be cheaper too.
The reason I reached out and looked at Craigslist for you was what you initially were showing in the first couple of pages really don't last. And like someone else said Predator issues that's the reason sometimes it's better to get a Better Built used one then rework it a little bit. Now that I'm understanding you have a $150 budget. I have not read every single reply on this thread, does it have to be nice looking because it's going to be visible or is it going to be stuck back somewhere. I have saw where people have taken 275 gallon totes which you can buy on Craigslist 35 to 50 bucks sometimes you can get them free. Those can be converted into chicken coops. I absolutely love to repurpose stuff and I am also a very visual person. You need to visualize what you need the size of a box so to speak that you need. Keep your eyes open you might find somebody throwing out in the trash an old dog house or wooden box. Even a plastic child's Playhouse I have seen used for coops. Again this may have already been suggested but I would suggest that you Google repurposed for chicken coops and that will help you get some ideas some visual ideas of what you could use. The bottom line is any of these ideas means you will need some tools to repurpose them into a chicken coop. Like someone else said and I did not necessarily see your response do you have an aunt and uncle a grandparent anybody that can help you. Wooden pallets a lot of times you can get free. Just think outside the box or think outside the chicken coop LOL.
I can make you a materials list, a list of cuts for Homedepot to do for you and a drawing of a simple coop that could be built in an afternoon and within your budget if you can find someone with a screw gun who could help you with this.
I have a design for a coop already in my mind. but thanks! It's just gonna be a square with five sides of waterproof wood and the side attached to the run will be completely open. It will be three feet by three feet so it's nine square feet. The run will be five feet by five feet and will be twenty-five square feet. If I can find tall enough hardware cloth im gonna try to make it tall enough for me to stand up in. The roof of the run will be either hardware cloth or wood. I prefer hardware cloth so they can get lots of light in and i will have some shady spots for them to hide in, like maybe some sheets of wood propped up against the sides of the run. There will be one roost in the middle of their coop that is three feet long, because they need one foot of roost space per bird, if I am correct, and I plan on maybe adding a Batman chicken later on, if I can find one in my area for cheap. I will keep their current cage and use it when one of them is sick and needs to be quaranteened or for when I get new chickens to introduce them in. Is there anything I am missing? Is there anything I could add to make it better?

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