This heat!

I'm in Eastern NC too and my silkies all free range, usually hang out all day under our deck where there's a slight cross breeze. I'm pretty worried about this heat and humidity. I'm doing the ice water thing too. I hope they all make it. Temps are supposed to go down a bit Wednesday.
I feel you .. Had the shade tarp blow off my quail cage while I was at work yesterday came home to ten dead quail... I had to move the entire setup last night so that this doesnt happen again.... So sorry about your hens.. One thing I have been doing for my girls is dig a hole in the run... My outdoor dogs always did this when it got hot and it got me to thinking so i tried and the girls love it .. I just had to dig it big enought they can all fit...
I usually didnt let them out to free range until late in the afternoon, but Im letting them go now as soon as I get home, at noon. That way they can go find their own cool spots. Its not like they will be hiding their eggs, Im not hardly getting any now anyway. Im at work now; as soon as I get home, Ill open up the gates and let them head out.

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