This is a dumb fear.

I'm ocd. Confirmed in eighth grade. My fear is not locking something. I once got a teacher to let me walk home so i could check that i locked my door. In fifth grade, no less. I didn't live too far away, but the fear on my face convinced her. I now control it by "remembering" that i locked it. So when I think back I can tell myself yes i locked it...It works most of the time. Wish i was ocd about cleaning.
The car (Which can realate to what I'm going to state), leaving house, going anywhere, or being in large crowds sounds a lot like Agoraphobia.
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Wow, sounds exactly like my Dad! He is known to frequently to turn back home when we are halfway to the city/to my school/to our holiday destination to check the door is locked and the gas has been turned off so the house doesn't burn down or run up a bill.
Almost everyone has SOME 'ocd-like' behavior. That doesn't mean one has ocd.

There is a normal level of checking and some repeated thoughts/behaviors are normal. And as one gets older and more forgetful, it's not at all unusual to check the stove an extra time before one goes out or to check the purse again for the cell phone.

With OCD the repeated thought-behavior is to a degree that it disrupts a person's life and affects a great many things they do.

If you spend 6 hr a day rechecking the shower curtain, you may very well have OCD. If you make hundreds of trips a day to check the curtain, could be. The only really accurate way to tell, is to discuss it with a professional.
I like this thread. I feel a lot better about myself. My husband wore pink underwear and t-shirts for the first six years of our marriage. It only takes one red sock, you know.

The kitchen has to be clean, the laundry can never pile up... but the rest of the house is beyond me I guess.

I have wondered why I obsess about not having stains in the kitchen sink, but the rest of the house I don't care enough...well, I do care...3 dogs and two pairs of size twelves in work boots. Maybe I just gave up.

I do fear the shower, but it's what's growing in there that gets to me. so, I try to keep the shower curtain closed at all times.
Ooooh, this thread is soooo for mee!!!! Here are some of my issues.......
I cannot buy the front item on a shelf at the store....HAS to be from the back, or as far back as I can you know how many people touched it....and if it is the last one....OMG....I talk myself into throwing in the cart...QUICKLY...and try not to think about it, or go to another store....simple as that!!!
I don't want anything wrinkled....clothes, paper...books...sub wrap paper...I will rewash....refold and iron if need be....paper and sub wrap paper....I will get all new for me to use...only those that are not krinkled in any way.....I have a serious issue, when in orientation class, teacher handed out books.....brand new....great, no wrinkles, no folds....Yipppeee....until.....she comes around to give us highlighters....and she tests on the cover of my book....Oh was awful...the highlighter was almost dry and smudged the writing...on the was just detrimental to me....I didn't want anyone to see my book...and what had happened to the cover....I kept it covered with a piece of paper so that I or no one else could see it.....UGGHHH, I needed to focus on class and was overwhelmed by the way my book looked!!!!
DEFINITE fear of heights...cannot...cannot do the last step on ladder...can' knees knock and I shake til no end...I was painting the other to point where I just had like a 3" spot at the peak I couldn't reach...I tried everything....told the DBF, I can't do it....he said..."yes you can, I have faith in you"...I almost lost it....I couldn't do it...there was no way.....tears were close to rollin.....I once again...told him....I can't, I just can't.....thankfully he came and did it for me!!!!
And those catepillar things...that are about to take over the universe....OMG...they are the worse...last year...I couldn't make myself go outside for any amount of time....I would sit inside and look out the windows and watch them...fall from the roof, cover my siding, crawl on my DS would mow the lawn and come in with one on his back.....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!! Get....Get...Get...outta here....go.....Oh they are horrible and really really bother me....I know it is almost time for them to start showing up, and have a horrible fear, that I am constantly trying to plan am I going to get to my chicks...thier coop is outside, under a tree....OMG,OMG,OMG....guess I will buy me a throw away body suit...get me a helmet...goggles and muck boots...gloves....I am very worried about these...they must not get on me.....MUST NOT!!!! I simply cannot function with those creepy crawlers....the fear I have for them is one of my worst....they get everywhere...I am getting the eeeejie beeejies as I type this....I so don't want them to come back, dangle from the trees, crawl in my grass, fall on the roof of my chicks coop, get on the doors...I don't want to see them...PERIOD!!!Oh... I so don't know what I will do....I just keep hoping they won't be as bad as last year....(EVERYWHERE)....but am trying to prepare myself and have a plan....scuba gear???Hey that mite work??? Oh my why did I bring them up....I hate, hate, hate them....they def have a hold on me....I know my days of being outside, doing the lawn work are numbered....what can I do to get past this....they will be back, I know they will...

So there is a few things to I need to rid my mind of these creepie crawlers...before I am once again consumed with my fears....I haven't seen any yet, so out to enjoy the outdoors....until.........
My DD has OCD and I sometimes wonder if I am enabling her by doing the things I opening doors for her so she wont have to touch the handle and cleaning up little messes she leaves, buying her gobs of hand soap etc etc.. But I figure why make it harder for her? It's not her fault..just one of those things
Don't sweat the small stuff!
to all you out there that have this..ok ok *air kisses* instead then
Me too!!! Even if it is hot, I'd still have to have a sheet or something light covering me. And absolutely no arms or legs hanging over the bed! Something might get me!
Pink underwear! The Princess did that early in our marriage. I always figured it was to keep me from taking my clothes off in front of others. Just kidding, they call me "Faithful George." Trust me the shower is dangerous. I heard something in there last night, but by the time I arrived with my shotgun he/she/it had left. Does buckshot kill zombies?

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