This is a dumb fear.

Pink underwear! The Princess did that early in our marriage. I always figured it was to keep me from taking my clothes off in front of others. Just kidding, they call me "Faithful George." Trust me the shower is dangerous. I heard something in there last night, but by the time I arrived with my shotgun he/she/it had left. Does buckshot kill zombies?

well, My theory is that after this many times around with us, you guys are used to it!
Dumb fears? Did somebody say dumb fears? Cocka doodle doo!! I have SO many!

First off, rhinoceroses!! Fat scary things!! Ever since I was told that one time I had "Rhino Virus" I have HATED them! Gross! Can't see them in a zoo, movie, WHATEVER. The are TOO ugly!

Then, being poked. My gawsh, do NOT poke me! I will scream like a girl and throw a complete fit! Won't talk to ya for months. Poke me and you will REGRET IT. Just a person's finger coming at you... It is when you SEE the finger coming at you that it scares me most. Creepy!

And don't even get me started on small green plants.
About five years ago, I noticed myself doing this, and it was only at night. If I am driving somewhere, I have to have my hand on my purse. Sometimes, I even wrap the strap around my armso I am physically touching it. I dont know why, but I freak out if I cant see my purse in the dark in my car.

For as long as Ive lived in my house<about 17 years>, I have to have the door leading into the kitchen partially closed to block seeing the door leading in from the driveway. The door I come into from the driveway has a window in it, I have to have the door that is between it, leading into the laundry room, blocking the door leading in from the driveway closed so nobody can look in and see me from the driveway. Make sense?

I cant sleep in the dark. I have to have the living room lamp on and I also have night lights on at all times.

The lock on my storm door remains locked at all times. All the doors are locked at all times.
The windows are never left opened if Im not home.
Everything must be put away from the grocery store as soon as its unloaded from the car.
I dont like leaving the house, even when I have to work.

Some, I know, are probably irrational, but it seems the older I get, the more things Im noticing Im getting wierd about.

Guess what my summer job was as a teenager Kristy?

Cinderella's wicked stepmother?
You were not inferring a princess were you? Ilove my Princess. (But she can be scarey.)
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When I was little (maybe 4) our living room had 3 huge picture windows, one on the front of the house and 2 on the side wall. Our TV sat between the two large ones. One night we were sitting on the couch watching some program (I know I was young as my sister was tiny - there's 3 years between us and I was young enough that I thought the charging horses were going to run into the room!)

For some reason I looked away and I saw a face in the corner of the window peeking in. I was snuggled up on my dads lap and I shrieked scaring the beejeezers outta the poor man. He asked me what was wrong and all I could do was point. Of course no one was there. But you know I had to keep checking and sure enough several minutes later the face was back there. I got so frantic my dad went out to check and sure enough, there in the snow were footprints.

Now, any sensible person after an incident like that would want their curtains closed tight at night. For years I didn't dare close them at night as I was terrrified someone would be out there and I wouldn't know it. I figured I'd rather know than not know. I finally got over that, but it took years.

It helps when you figure out the reason for a particular fear. The others, we just learn to live with.

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