This is a roo isn't it ?? :( PICS ADDED BOXING DAY.


10 Years
Sep 6, 2009
a black bantam cochin in the 8 week age range?
I keep looking at my youngster, hoping..... it's not a roo.
I just am hoping that it is a mutant female with a larger comb.......doh.
I don't have anywhere to put an extra bantam roo, and no one around here seems to want them. there are free bantam roos listed everywhere !!.
Would hackle feathers be apparent at this age?
No efforts of trying to crow yet. sigh.
I know, it's a roo...... now how to find it a home.



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yes, this pic helps. !!!

my 8 year old daughter tells me now that she thinks the baby was born beginning of october, so the chick might actually only be about 11 or 12 weeks old, but, even so, it's comb is not nearly as large as that !! nor is it that shape, it's got a bigger comb then its mom and the tips are all even across, no tall spikes like your roo. and the wattles are half that size.

I'm feeling a bit more optimistic now.
How red is it? That's the real question. And is it a hatchery baby? Or one you hatched from breeder eggs?

This is a 10wk hatchery pullet.

This is a 10wk hatchery cockerel.

This one's just a bit older.

This one's a 21wk breeder cockerel. Notice his comb is not as big as the cute mottled boy in the previous post. Their combs don't seem to grow as quickly.
oh darn it, my baby looks like your 10 week old roo (hatchery), bummer.
My baby was hatched here under its mama, its a home brew.

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