this is going to sound silly

oh ok, mine is the regular feed, but the scratch is there too and i was actually thinking of picking up a bag as a treat to my chickens and turkeys... i could get it and empty it in a bin and send it maybe? PM me if you would like me to..
If someone has an extra bag I would love to have one as well. Please PM me and I will mail you for postage/handling and some for your trouble in getting it to me! I am getting quite a collection!
The Wal Mart in North East El Paso didn't have any on the shelf but said they would by this weekend. I don't mind going back if you still it then. Just let me know if someone else gets them for you first.
Thanks so much, Kat, but I think birdbrain5 is going to get me one. Have you seen what they're doing with those bags? So neat!
I live in WY and our walmart always has these, so if anyone needs one send me a message. I might even have some empties in my loafing shed already. I had a friend makes some bags out of their black sunflower seed bags too. I imagine they will turn out nice too, but I have those bags too, they have a picture of a sunflower and a bird on the package.

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