This is the only space i have, is it going to be enough ?

I am at a cross roads

My hens will be mainly for eggs & i will replace them when they stop laying but after looking around I really like Gold & silver laced Wyandotte which will only be available as 6 week old chicks by the time my run is ready.

So point of lay run of the mill chickens in March or Wyandotte chicks ?? Could always get wyandottes next time !!

This is tuff
You'll be fine. They'll be fine. You've got a good sized pen. I have 14 chickens counting the Rooster. They have a small run (6X8 ft) that they stay in in the mornings until hubby wakes up in the afternoon. Then they free range. I scatter their food around the floor so they can scratch to stay busy, and they love it. Confinement isn't what causes picking as much as boredom. Unless you're talking extreme confinement, which we're not. I've had pullets AND chicks, and the chicks were WAY more aggressive than the pullets. It's going to be something of a toss up no matter what you do. It's like parenting. No two sets of situations are the same. You do what you think will work for you, with a general understanding of how chickens live, and you'll be fine. Will you have bumps in the road? Of course. You will have them no matter what choice you make.
How many parents of 15 year olds said that, but boy, when they're 16....

You know you will....
How many parents of 15 year olds said that, but boy, when they're 16....

You know you will....

You have to be 17 to drive a car over here.

You can not ride a moped until your 16.

You can not drinking & gamble until your 18 !

You can not marry without parents consent until 18.

You can not have sex until 16

You can not work full time until your 16

You can not keep chickens until you 45
join the army at 16
Vote for the government that will send you to war at 18.

Reg, go with the breed you like the most. They're going to be your chickens, and you'll want to be proud of them. You don't want to be looking at them at the end of march and thinking you wish they where Wyandottes.

You'll start getting eggs fairly soon with the pullets that are ready in march, but is that what you really want?
If I were you I'd have a good read through a chicken book that lists loads of breeds - I can recommend 'Choosing And Keeping Chickens' by Chris Graham. That way you'll get an idea of breeds that cope well with confinement and breeds that really really don't. Somebody earlier said something about chicks that have been raised in confinement don't know any better and are happy with their lot but in my experience that's just not true. I keep a couple of breeds that absolutely hate being penned up, even as small chicks. You really don't want to accidentally get birds like that.

(edited for typos)
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We are not at war. The USA is at war. The UK send our lads over there to practice !

Yes I do really want Wyandottes, I just hope that an add comes up in March saying they have POL wyandottes in silver & gold for sale

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