This is the only space i have, is it going to be enough ?

You know your chicken houses
lost track of you but I'm back and I love your progress and enthusiasm. You are lucky to have the cement pad especially with all the rain you have been getting. I think I will add pea stone walkways near my coops. The snow is finally melting and it's gonna get messy quick!

I am really looking forward to seeing your run also
Hello mate

Yep I am making progress slowly

Bit worried tho ! Spent so long making the coop, Its all Sanded & varnished. It just seems such a shame to let Chickens mess it up
Hi Reg, just wanted to say 'hi' from Scotland!!

Can I just say your coop and run sound like they are going to be fab and i have all different breeds of chickens, in fact have none the same apart from the silkies (i have 3) and I have 13 in total and 3 chicks just hatched!

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but I don't think wyandotte's lay as many eggs a year as other chickens??? I was told this when i went to get some new hens but maybe this doesn't matter to you?? And of course i could be wrong!!

Have read through all your posts and look forward to seeing the finished coop!!
Hello mate

Yep I am making progress slowly

Bit worried tho ! Spent so long making the coop, Its all Sanded & varnished. It just seems such a shame to let Chickens mess it up

So funny, I remember feeling exactly the same way!
Just be sure to take some pics of the inside when you're finished, because it will never quite be the same again!
Hi Nik

Yes i know they dont lay as many but they look so pretty & from having no eggs to 15 a week will do for me.

Anyway i dont think i will find any Wyandotte in April so i will just have to choose from whats about at the time.

I could put pictures of Wyandottes in the run maybe that will make me feel better

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