This is torture!!!


5 Years
Feb 10, 2014
Im on day 19 and I have 2 out of 18 eggs that have pip'd! I can hear one of them chirping away! The waiting is KILLING me!!! I thought I was going to have a heart attack when my digital thermometer read 38 degrees!!! I must have hit the F/C button!

What do other people do to pass the time???
Im on day 19 and I have 2 out of 18 eggs that have pip'd! I can hear one of them chirping away! The waiting is KILLING me!!! I thought I was going to have a heart attack when my digital thermometer read 38 degrees!!! I must have hit the F/C button!

What do other people do to pass the time???

Leave the house.. Go grocery shopping, meet friends for lunch, take a nice long drive... Makes the time go by so much faster :)
I have to work the next 2 days, so I guess i will have my mind occupied for awhile. Hatch is due Thurs into Friday, but it looks like I may have an early bird or two!
I feel your agony. I'm only on day thirteen but I'm already impatient. I candled some of the eggs last night and I saw a lot of movement. Best of luck with your babies! I really hope they hatch soon!
I have 4 eggs right now that have pips to them!!! I can hear some chirping…….. I think that makes it worse! I keep going down there about every hour to check on them! The one with the largest pip has not gotten any bigger since I noticed it about 11am. Hope the little one it OK!

Continue with the waiting game

Good luck with your hatch!
I have 2 babies this morning!!! Many many of the eggs have pips to them. Maybe with the little babies using the eggs as soccer balls they will hatch quicker! LOL

Hate the fact that I have to go to work today :(
Ummm... OBSESS over incubation!
I know what you mean about 'heart attacks'...I'd swear I have had three cardiac incidents in the last six days alone!
Two more weeks of this (what don't kill ya) and I should be as strong as The Hulk himself.
Best wishes for a heart attack free success story!

What do other people do to pass the time??? 

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