This is what happens... We have peepers!

5 Andalusian chicks. Lost another 2 last night :( I was up until 01:00am with them. I'm so glad this hatch is over! I anticipated trouble with the chicks, but I wasn't expecting things to be this rough. I'm glad for the 5 I got though :) I'll take a pic of them a bit later.
I am! Gosh, it was a long day yesterday. The chicks are doing well and the ducklings. They are so funny! Food and water is not just eat something, take a sip of water, oh no, they turn it into a party! LOL They are delightful little things :)
That sounds about right! With peeps in-between ;) They discovered a weak spot in my divider and we had some fun with me catching them and putting them back on their side and them crawling back through the divider almost immediately lol They love hanging out with the chicks, but the chicks are still a bit unsteady on their feet, so I want to keep them separated for now.

The chicks are sleeping off their crazy night and still fluffing up, but I'll get a pic in a bit. I have two yellow and three grey over yellow ones.

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