This is what I'm thinking plus a few questions

My thoughts exactly. All that grocery store meat used to have a face too! And if I butcher my own chickens, the meat won't be pumped full of saline to make it look bigger either!
I completely agree with that, hence why I am growing my own meat. I might get a few hens for the dinner as well but haven't fully decided on that yet.

Oh and here is picture of what my back garden looks like now, do you think I should leave this for the geese? I don't want them to hurt them selves on the blackberries trailing through there. The other problem is that the tenants before us though of this house as a personal dump so I am still pulling up things like beer cans and roofing tile. We're sure that 99% of the garbage is out of this spot but again I don't want my girls/guys eating trash, will geese dig this stuff up and eat it?

You may need to click on it to make it bigger. The chicken run will be moved over to where the shavings are currently pilled (the rain has interfered with building a compost bin) and the geese will be to the right near the soon-to-be-finished shed.
You need to remember that geese pick up everything to see what it is. They have their mouths on everything. Little brats. Mine have a party finding things and putting it into their water. So keep an eye on the little buggers....

I would cut out as much of the berry bushes as you can because they will be in it and if they have thorns could hurt the foot and create bumble foot and you have to soak the foot in epsom's salts in warm water to help clear it up.
Thanks so much for your advice! I will get out the blackberries and leave the grass and dandelions for the birds next year.
Yes, if there is anything dangerous in the dirt, the geese are pretty much guaranteed to find it, and play with it, and try to eat it... especially if they know you don't want them to touch it! LOL
I have a fellow Sebastopol breeder who just lost their beautiful grey saddleback goose to eating two long nails and then also to an hard yolk.
Remember geese like to dig in the dirt and even if you clean up the area there are always things coming up from being buried.....
I have a fellow Sebastopol breeder who just lost their beautiful grey saddleback goose to eating two long nails and then also to an hard yolk.
Remember geese like to dig in the dirt and even if you clean up the area there are always things coming up from being buried.....
Boy that's for sure, we've had a lot of rain and when I walk around our fenced in area I am always fining things, last week I thought I came across a head of a dead animal, but after digging a little it was part of a stuffed animal that no telling how long had laid under the ground before being washed up, it sure wasn't mine and we've been here 18 yrs.
One thing with geese they are digger's and love to eat dirt! Guess it has minerals in it that they need. Also when it rains they love digging the mud and love making holes and the water get in it and the play and dig deeper holes. They seem to get their beaks into everything. So no matter how hard you try they will always find something digging in the ground.
The person who owned this place before us I do believe like to burry things here. We have found so many things here when we start digging around it is not even funny on how much crap he buried or the people before who lived on this land.... There is always something to pick up to keep the geese safe here.
One thing with geese they are digger's and love to eat dirt! Guess it has minerals in it that they need. Also when it rains they love digging the mud and love making holes and the water get in it and the play and dig deeper holes. They seem to get their beaks into everything. So no matter how hard you try they will always find something digging in the ground.
The person who owned this place before us I do believe like to burry things here. We have found so many things here when we start digging around it is not even funny on how much crap he buried or the people before who lived on this land.... There is always something to pick up to keep the geese safe here.
No bodies yet though right RURU?

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