This Is Why I Have Nets Over My Birds !!!!!

I only once had a hawk get inside my netted area. Well now that I am thinking about it will my duck be safe from the hawk. She is in with two goats and there is no netting.
Tons of turkey vultures around my place. I have had them land on my garage (5' from my current coop local!) on occasion. I did do a lot of reading on them because I was concerned. Basically they will only take live animals when there is no carrion and they are very hungry. Now I do still have hawks around too though. There is a Bald eagle that nests within a few miles of me, a owl that has nested about 2000' from my house, and lots of other raptors around.
A hawk just got done killing three of my birds a few weeks ago.

Red tail?

Nope, red tails are super obvious because their tails are actually red, and their faces are "red" too. I don't recognize that one in particular, but I will pass the photo along to a friend of mine that will be able to identify it.
This is a Red-shouldered hawk, and well, they are nicknamed "Hen hawk" because they occasionally take advantage of poultry farms, so without a doubt, if you have chickens it might be a certain threat. I don't know if it would prey on your peafowls, but it still would attack poultry birds if it wants.
The above pictured hawk is a red-shouldered hawk. They are very common and very vocal. I have them 100 yards from my backyard they have never taken an adult bantam but they will take babies. You have nothing to worry about with adult peacocks. They will take babies if opportunity is there. I see them feeding on lizards/grasshoppers/snakes.

Cooper's hawks are different and those you do have to worry about. They specialize in birds and are nicknamed chicken hawks and will take adults/babies/anything. Luckily I only see them around during Winter since they stay in FL during that time. Again, I do not see a Cooper's hawk killing an adult peafowl, size difference is too great.
I have never had a hawk kill a chicken in its pen only when they get out. And i dont have netting over i just have 3 big pine trees and they can go under the coop.

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