This just came out of my hen?? Please help!

I had an Isa Brown who started to walk like a penguin. I never found out what was wrong with her. I hope your hen can be cured. :hugs
It sounds like she has some internal issues. Antibiotics are not likely to change her outcome. If she is uncomfortable, it might be time to consider culling her. Chickens are very good at masking their pain. It is how they survive in a flock. Weak members get driven out of the flock... or worse. So, by the time a bird is showing pain or discomfort, her issues are great. In a chronic situation like this, where the bird is not likely to get better, tough decisions need to be made. I'm not saying you should cull her right away, but it bears a watch and assess attitude, with decision made for her comfort.
Can you try and see a vet tomorrow for antibiotics? Antibiotics might be helpful early with salpingitis, but usually will not cure it. Salpingitis is linked to internal laying and egg yolk peritonitis. E.coli bacteria is one that is common in these laying disorders, so the antibiotic used should be effective against it. I have never treated this, but others on BYC have. If that is not an option, I would make her comfortable, and get her drinking water and eating some chopped egg and her usual feed.
My Isa Brown had to be culled.:hitHer name was Mica. Mica never acted like she was in pain. High production chicken breeds seem to have more trouble that heritage breeds.
This is tough. We all face the decision with a sick chicken sooner or later whether to euthanize (I don't "cull") or make a final effort to treat.

It's totally your call. It depends on how much you believe she has a shot at recovering or not. You're around her all the time and are familiar with her behavior. If she's very sick and appears to be suffering, I urge you to euthanize her.

If you decide to treat her, and I believe she likely has a raging infection in her egg factory, the recommended antibiotic is broad spectrum such as amoxicillin or penicillin. 250mg once a day or divided into several smaller doses and given throughout the day.
Baytril can be found online, is one used in egg yolk peritonitis, and is banned for chickens in the US. As long as you do not ever eat her eggs or use her for meat, some vets will prescribe it. There is a thread that you can read about where to find it if you Google or search here on BYC for "Baytril and Enrofloxacin Sources," a link by Casportpony.
Some people do report about their hens become very sick and weak when laying a lash egg, or if they have been egg bound. Sometimes they feel better in a day or two, but I agree that she may need to be put out of her misery at some point if she is suffering.
Ok so update: this morning she is walking around some, eating, and drinking and quite perky looking. She’s still standing a bit bottom heavy though, but is now able to actually sit/lay down on her chest is she wants to.
I'm so sorry about your hen. I have lost several to this, all were hatchery birds and prolific layer breeds. Your best shot at giving her more time is to try an antibiotic, and having a vet determine which one would be most effective would be the best way. I have never had one recover from this, just perhaps bought them some time. When they become very uncomfortable then I euthanize rather than have them suffer, since, in my experience, this is terminal. They are able to hide the infection until it's well advanced, past the point when antibiotics can get rid of it. She may also have ascites, which is fluid build up in the abdomen, a further symptom of what is going on internally. That fluid will also put pressure on her internal organs and cause discomfort. There are some things you can try to do for the ascites, but it will recur as the underlying problem is still there. I'm going to give you a link to a thread here with a video which may help, video is in post #1 and post #8 and #9 is my question to the original poster and her answer on salpingiitis vs internal laying, which are very, very similar. Graphic photos at the very beginning of the video, then just info.
Again, I'm very, very sorry, and I'm not trying to be a downer, just honest.

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