

11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Thank you everyone! I joined this site because someone recomended it to me after being flamed on another site (on my thread [sorry jaime]). Well shes a member of this forum and she recomended it to me I joined because everyone was answering my problem in the wrong way (they were telling me to cull my sick bird that I was concerned for). Everyone is so much nicer on this site. Thank you backyard chickens!
Well its good to see you got the help you needed. And incase I never said so before
I was a member on "the other site" but, everyone there was so negative about everything! BYC was put down all the time..! Well, here's my thought on don't have to worry about the person running his mouth, the one you worry about is the one sitting in the corner watching but, keeping his mouth shut! WELCOME TO BYC...
and, WE are glad to have you!
I agree with you on that!. I guess word of mouth travels fast. Thats why we have lots of new people. Anyway I hope we can always help eashother out
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I've never been on any other chicken forum. I've never wanted to, because BYC is everything I need, both in chicken knowledge and well-behaved, friendly & helpful people.

If you're gettin' filet mignon here, why go to Beef Parts R Us?
You are SO righ, Buff!! I went to the "other" site cuz I was looking for some one that scr@wed me over big time. Sure enough she was there and I guess she fits there. I could not believe how childish they were being and mean spirited. Beware who you buy from!! Love it guys are all so great and fun and always there to help out when needed.

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