Those of you that garden do you use tires to plant in?


10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
I was thinking of using some old tires for planting herbs, and some veggies in and wanted to know some opinions on the subject.
Works great for taters. Good for strawberries to keep them from running all over creation too.
If you keep stackin them and adding dirt as the plant grows you can get an AMAZING ammount of potatoes off of a single plant...just FYI.
I have gopher issues. Like, bugs bunny cartoon issues, like watching things being pulled under while you are standing there issues... Lay some hardware cloth down under those tires first. You won't know to thank me, because you won't have hollow potatoes.
Then the potato thing is your best bet to conserve space. you can grow tomatoes upside down in buckets hung out of the way too. Pole beans can grow up the corn stalks. Just get creative.
I never thought about useing them for strawberries. We use old barrles that we cut in half for tomatoes and potatoes. When your ready to harvest just dump the barrle over and dig your potatoes out!
I plant tomatoes in tires have for 3 years. I don't have a way to plow so I use tires and purchase my soil by the bag. this year I am going to plan green onion sets and lettuce in tires. I was able to shovel enough dirt an poo out of one of my chicken pens and i belive onions will do well but I will not use this for my tomatoes as I belive that tomatoes wont do well in the poo dirt. anyway tires are great you can water and the inside of the tire is like a resorve for water.

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